Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble


McKinnon Secondary College will still be conducting mid-year examinations for all students in Years 9 - 11. We believe this is an important part of our learning program. Given our current situation, these exams will be shorter and modified where necessary to accommodate an online learning environment. 


More details about exams will be provided in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, thorough revision and effort in exams in these middle years lays a strong foundation for success in Year 12. Students should set high expectations for their own achievement and seek advice and support from their teachers.

We wish all students the best of luck in their exams.  


When discussing with your child their academic achievement at school and the feedback provided on Learning Tasks, it is critical that parents and students look beyond grades and scores. We encourage all students and their parents to instead reflect on each child’s academic progress and growth; our intelligence is changeable, and focussing on growth has a very positive impact on student learning.


All students - regardless of year level and the grades they have achieved - should reflect on what new skills and knowledge they have acquired, what feedback and advice they have acted upon and what their next goal will be. 


Hard work and a willingness to persist when facing academic challenges are the keys to success for all students, and emphasising learning progress rather than grades/scores is a simple - but powerful - way to support student learning.