Digital Technologies Project

On Friday the 22nd of November 2019 Esme, Holly, Hannah, Elsie, Miss Tilley and I went to South Melbourne Primary School. We went there because we were partaking in a Beachside Network ICT Celebration.

We have spent the last 4 months researching and creating our project. At beginning, Hannah and I went around our class asking people ‘how their day has been from 1-10?’. The average result was 6 to 7. We then made a survey for the whole school to take part in. The questions were mainly about if people felt comfortable to talk to their teachers and if it would be easier to talk to a teacher or a robot. 70% of people said it would be easier to talk to a robot.


We also knew our school is lucky enough to have two wellbeing dogs which help the students at our school feel happy when they are upset. From these results we decided to build and code a wellbeing dog that students could talk to when they were upset. As the dog was built out of Lego and not actually a real dog we also thought our dog may suit some students better as some students may not like real dogs because they are scared of them or allergic.



On the day we presented our finished project which was the robotic dog called ‘Wonder Dog’. We did a few rotations so we saw four presentations and four schools saw ours. Some of the other schools that presented projects included, an app to help light pollution, a game to help recycling and a game to stop bullying. We were the only school who build and coded a robot which actually solved our initial problem. All the other school who we presented to loved our creation and majority wanted one for their schools.

Overall, we all absolutely loved the experience and would definitely do it again.


Clementine Gosling (4A)