Do You Know?

Do you know that there are only 16 more school days in 2019?

The last day of school is Friday 20 December (early dismissal at 1.30pm).

Do you know when school starts in 2020?

Term 1 commences on Wednesday 29 January (9.00am - 3.30pm for students in Years 1 - 6 and 9.30am - 1.00pm for Prep students).

Staff commence on Tuesday 28 January, 2019.

Do you know there is a 'Kids' Guide to Cancer' app?

The FREE Kids’ Guide to Cancer app has been developed to support children aged 8 - 13 who have a parent, sibling, friend or loved one with cancer.

Featuring animated stories, age-appropriate information and colourful and engaging graphics, the app teaches kids about cancer, hospitals, treatments and who's there to help.