Principal's Report

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” - Michael Jordan

It's hard to believe there are only 16 school days until the end of the school year, yet, there is still so much to be done. I would like to thank all staff who are working hard to meet the many deadlines that the end of the school year brings.  

One of the deadlines for teaching staff is finalising Learning Task feedback. Student goal setting is an important part of this process so please ensure your child submits their 'goal for future learning' via the online form as feedback becomes available. An opportunity for parent feedback about the task feedback and assessment is also provided.

2020 Class Structure & Student Placement

There will be 28 straight classes with 4 grades at each level in 2020. Classes have now been finalised and students in Prep to Year 5 will meet their 2020 teacher and classmates on Tuesday 10 December. On this day you will receive notification (via email) of your child's new teacher (and year level teaching team), along with some important dates, information and reminders for the year ahead.

As mentioned in our last newsletter, the allocation of students to classes is a very complex process and many factors are taken into account. Teachers work incredibly hard to ensure the best placement for all students and even one small change can have a huge flow-on effect. Parents are also reminded that we do not accept requests for teachers. 


I encourage you to read the 'Transition' articles on the Mental Health & Wellbeing page of this newsletter for strategies in supporting transitions and building resilience. There is also a 'Holiday Survival Guide' which may be of interest!

Family Carols Night

I would like to sincerely thank our Music Team for the many hours given to organising our upcoming Carols Night. This very special event is a wonderful opportunity to bring our community together to celebrate the start of the festive season and the end to another wonderful year at BNPS. I do hope that all families are able to join us.

Please see the 'Carols Night' page of this newsletter for more information.

Year 6 Archibald Prize & Art Installation

Thank you to Arla Anderson and Nicole Palo La Gerche, for yet another amazing Year 6 Self Portrait Exhibition. The standard of work was very impressive and showcased the great artistic talent of our students and teachers. Make sure you take a look at the fabulous portraits on the 'Art News' page of this newsletter. Geoff La Gerche (Artist) will be announcing the winners at Assembly on Monday (2 December).



It is also wonderful to see the work of the 2019 Year 6 Art Installation group which has been mounted on the Year 6 school bag shed. 

Year 6 Camp

Last Friday the Year 6 students returned safely after a wonderful week at Phillip Island. It is always a tremendous relief (for both staff and parents) when the buses arrive back on Wood Street - particularly when mother nature decides to throw 40-degree temperatures into the mix.


Sending an entire year level off to camp requires a huge amount of organisation and I would like to thank the Year 6 Team and Grant Rounsley for making it happen so seamlessly. Thank you also to the staff who gave up their time to attend and the staff who covered classes back at school - it really is a whole-school effort.

Buddy Program

Our final transition was held last Wednesday for our 2020 Prep students and it was lovely to see the incoming preppies interacting so confidently with their 2020 Year 5 Buddies.

It was also lovely to see our new parents being so warmly welcomed by our 'Parent Buddies' and BNPS Parents & Friends representatives, Kristy Hamshare and Ilana Blampied. Ilana introduced the Parent Buddy program in 2017 and I would sincerely like to thank her for getting this lovely initiative off the ground again this year. Thank you also to those who have stepped up to be buddies, it really does make a difference and feedback to date has been extremely positive.

OH&S Audit

I would like to congratulate Grant Rounsley and his team for managing our OH&S requirements. An OH&S inspection was conducted last week and the feedback was exemplary. The inspector even stated that it was difficult to find areas for improvement which is very reassuring.


I would also like to sincerely thank Vincent Wienckowski, our Handyman, who works closely with a Grant in relation to school maintenance. A lot of time and effort goes into ensuring our learning spaces and grounds are safe for staff and students and many visitors to our school comment on how well our school is maintained.


I am very proud of our male staff members who are participating in Movember. They have now raised a total of $2,816 and very much appreciate the words of support and kind donations from the school community. 



Please CLICK/TAP HERE to access the BNPS MoBros page if you would like to support this wonderful cause.

School Ground Works

The following work has occurred over the last few weeks:

  • Comprehensive Tree Management Plan conducted by an Arborist
  • Continued painting of the main building (around the unpredictable weather)
  • Rust proofing of external elements throughout the school
  • Updating and installation of water systems throughout the school gardens
  • Maintenance of our plumbing and drinking fountains

Presidents Cup Road Closure

As you will be aware, traffic control measures have been put in place for the upcoming Presidents Cup Golf Tournament. I understand that this will be inconvenient for many of our families however, unfortunately this is out of our control. 

Please direct any questions or concerns to the Tournament Office on 9115 - 1826.

Looking Ahead...

Tonight the Senior Choir (Year 4 - 6) will be singing carols at the official Lighting of the Tree at Seaview Shopping Centre (5.30 & 6.30pm) and on 4 December, the Junior Choir will be singing at the Black Rock Carols. Thank you to our Music Team for all of the additional hours spent on this wonderful extra-curricular program which is valued by students and parents alike.

Best of luck to Simon and his team of music tutors for another wonderful night at the Instrumental Music Program Soiree tonight. The students perform to an incredible standard and are a credit to themselves and their tutors. 

There are still several activities and events for students and parents to engage in before we all take a long well-deserved break. From our Carols Night, Black Rock Carols (Junior Choir performance) and Year 6 Graduation celebrations to incursions, volunteering in the Canteen and Uniform Shop, the FAC Christmas party and end-of-year class family gatherings. I do hope that everyone makes the most of (and enjoys!) these last few weeks.


Sherril Duffy
