Share the Spirit of Youth
Tickets for this event went on sale last Monday and we welcome all our families to come along and join us out at TRECC on Thursday 27th September at 7p.m. By Monday afternoon 200 tickets were sold so it really is a case of first in best dressed!
Our Year 5 & Year 6 students are very busy preparing fantastic performances and will combine with hundreds of other students from our local and district catholic schools to ensure this is a night of great entertainment for the entire Tamworth community.
Tickets may be purchased online at, over the phone 67662028 or through Tamworth Capitol Theatre. Adults $25 Children $18. We look forward to sharing this night with our families, Parish and local communities as the students and staff showcase their talents!
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS CELEBRATE - Combined Dance & Choir Practice
Just a reminder to those students in the Combined Dance & Choir performance that our next rehearsal is on Monday 20th August from 4pm - 5pm at St Edward's School Multi -Purpose Hall. These performances are coming together beautifully and it's an absolute joy watching the children across all our different Catholic schools working together and having fun. Thank you!
Third term accounts have been distributed by 'kiddy post' this week. Please check your child's bag. This is your final account for 2018.
Please Note: If you wish to pay directly into the school account, please use the following details, making sure that the family name is used in the reference.
BSB: 082 105
Account: 001 000 301
If you have any queries, or are experiencing difficulty with payments please contact Mrs Robyn Burke by telephoning the office or emailing
Thank you!
Mrs Robyn Burke
Paleontology Day
Monday, 13 August
Year 1 have been learning a great deal about appreciating our individuality and the need for acceptance of all people. We have been focusing on the text, 'Whoever You Are' by Mem Fox.
In Science, our topic is Spot the Difference and we have been learning about changes in everyday foods such as popcorn and spaghetti. One of our challenges was to make towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows.
In Geography we have enjoyed learning about the features of urban/rural places and famous landmarks such as Uluru.
The children are loving their gymnastics sessions on Fridays and becoming more skilled each week.
We have our Year 1 assembly coming up on Friday of Week 6 on the 31st August at 2pm in the Auditorium.