In this newsletter you will find an important letter from Bishop Michael Kennedy and Director of Catholic Schools Mr Chris Smyth. I encourage you to contact me if wish to discuss the content of this letter. I assure you that any discussions will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
As a small gesture to show our support for members of the community who are struggling because of the drought, several Year 3 boys came up with the idea of having a Flanno Friday. This will take place on Friday 31st August to coincide with our Fathers’ Day breakfast and liturgy. See the poster below designed by one of the Year 3 boys. More information will follow in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Hannah and Dylan Matheson on the arrival of their new family member Kennedy Rose. Mum, dad and
Over the weekend in Sydney, along with the other principals of the diocese, I attended the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER) Conference. The theme of the conference was, “Teaching Practices That Make a Difference”. It was a very rewarding few days and I left knowing that at St Nicholas School we are definitely on the right path in terms of evidence based learning, integrating ICT into teaching and having a growth mindset to name a few. The challenge for us is to continue learning and developing practices that support each and every one of our students to become learners throughout their life.
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the PT&F Trivia Night last Saturday. From all reports it was a fantastic evening. I know how much work went into ensuring the evening was a great night. Congratulations and thank you to the PT&F for yet another very successful community event. Psst ..... A little birdie told me that the compare for the evening should stick to his day job.
I know you all join with me in wishing Father Chris a relaxing and well deserved holiday. Fr Chris will be away for 4 weeks and during that time Fr Raj will be looking after the parish.
Tomorrow is our annual STEAM Expo and the students are very much looking forward to showcasing their skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. These are some of the vital skills that our students will need in the future. A big thanks to Mrs Karen Dickie for providing the students with this opportunity by organising not just the day but all the activities for Science Week this week.