Upcoming Events and Staying Connected

Reunions and Upcoming Events 2019
We still have various reunions and events coming up in the next half of this year. If you fall into one of the peer years below we would love to see you at your reunion.
If this is not your reunion year or you can't make the allocated date, gather some friends and come along to our all peer event Kilvonian Konnections on November 13. Of course we'd love to see you again if you attended your reunion too!
To book, click on the links below or contact Deb Duce at duced@kilvington.vic.edu.au
40 and 45 Year Reunion
(Peer Group 1979/1974)
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Kilvington Grammar Staff Lounge
2 Leila Rd (enter via Lillimur Rd, Gate 4)
Ormond Vic 3204
30 and 35 Year Reunion
(Peer Group 1989/1984)
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Kilvington Grammar Staff Lounge
2 Leila Rd (enter via Lillimur Rd, Gate 4)
Ormond Vic 3204
20 and 25 Year Reunion
(Peer Group 1999/1994)
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Kilvington Grammar Staff Lounge
2 Leila Rd (enter via Lillimur Rd, Gate 4)
Ormond Vic 3204
Walsh Club
(Peer Groups >1969)
12.00pm - 2.00pm
Kilvington Grammar Sport Centre
2 Leila Rd (enter via Katandra Rd, Gate x)
Ormond Vic 3204
Kilvonian Konnections
(All Peer Groups)
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Kilvington Grammar VCE Centre
2 Leila Rd (enter via Lillimur Rd, Gate 6)
Ormond Vic 3204
Annual Concert
Friday 9 August
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University Clayton
Celebration Night
Friday 22 November
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University Clayton
Please note dates and venues may be subject to change.
Open Mornings and Enrolments
Did you know that as a Kilvonian your children are entitled to priority on our waitlists and a 5% discount on school fees?
Come along to one of our Open Mornings and
we’ll show you all Kilvington has to offer your child. You'll be amazed at the many updated facilities and have a chance to check out the impressive new Sport Centre.
We know you will feel the same warm, community culture Kilvington has always provided.
You can book for an Open Morning via the links below:
Take a look at our PROSPECTUS:
Or download an application form here:
KNews 2019
Keep an eye out for this year's edition of KNews. This year it will published a little later than in the past and is due for delivery in August.
Mentoring and Workplace Opportunities
Do you feel inspired to pass on your knowledge and experience to current Kilvington students? Can you offer career advice, subject tutoring, coaching or general life skills? If you feel you can, then why not register your interest to join the Kilvonians Mentor Program? Your details will go into a database and you will be contacted if a relevant opportunity presents itself. We are also happy to hear from you directly, if there is something specific you’d like to discuss.
We are also looking for opportunities for students so that they get a taste of their chosen career, particularly if they are unsure if it is what they really want to do, before finalising senior school subjects and tertiary courses. A great way for them to do this is through short-term work placement opportunities. If your organisation can offer such an opportunity, please indicate in the form linked below.
Register your interest in mentoring
Our sincere condolences go to the families and friends of the following members of our community who have passed away.
Margot Louise Nelms
Peer Year 1966
1948 - 2018
Margot will be truly missed and was loved by many. A beloved aunt of Tracey and Shane. Close to our hearts you will always stay. Loved and remembered every day.
Warren Stone
Former Principal
Late of Killara, NSW and Blackburn South, VIC passed away peacefully on 3rd May.
Very dearly loved husband of Judith Ann(dec.) (nee McQueen) and deeply loved father and father-in-law of Jonathan and Christine, Alison and Gary, Peter and Liz, Ben and Amy, and Anitha. Loved Pa of Freya, Robbie, Sophie, Alex, Oscar, Georgia, Nicola, Abbey and Tom.
Fondest memories of a fair and wonderful principle. Such a positive impact he and his wife had on me during my secondary year. Rest peaceful with our Lord. My deepest thoughts and prayers are with Mr Stone's family.
Anne McGregor. (McLean)
May 07, 2019 | Palmwoods, QUEENSLAND
I first knew Warren as my school principal at Kilvington from 1980 onward. I became reacquainted with his family through his son Ben and daughter-in-law Amy when our children started school together. Deepest condolences to the entire family. Rest at peace Mr Stone, reunited with your dear wife Judith. Geoff, Victoria, Ella and Leila Hargreaves
Victoria Hargreaves
May 07, 2019 | Melbourne, VICTORIA
Remembering Mr Stone with much love and affection. Prayers for his family and friends at this time of transition. No doubt he has gone to a better place and is enjoying his eternal reward.
Much Grace.
Michelle Crawford and family (nee Sainsbery - Kilvington 1988)
May 07, 2019
Generous Gifts
We are extremely touched by the individuals who generously bequeath monetary gifts to Kilvington Grammar School.
If you are curious and would like to know about how you may include Kilvington Grammar in your estate planning please contact Camilla Fiorini our Director of Marketing and Development at fiorinic@kilvington.vic.edu.au.
Keeping in touch
Feel free to contact Deb Duce, Community Relations Officer at duced@kilvington.vic.edu.au with any news, queries or updated details.