
Graduating Class of 2018
In March, we held our first graduating class of last year (Year 12, 2018) reunion. It was wonderful to see our 2018 peer group, hear about how they are settling into life outside of school, their university experience, and witness their excitement in catching up with their teachers.
Seeing my peers and chatting about how everyone is doing was incredibly enjoyable as was catching up with past teachers. It was lovely being able to discuss what I'm currently studying and occupying my time with post high school with those who were part of my growth throughout my time at Kilvington.
Jade Redman
I really enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with teachers and classmates who I hadn't seen since finishing school. It was great to hear what everyone did over the summer and their current and future plans. It was also lovely to hear how our teachers have been and to share with them our plans for the future.
Conor Hosking
Walsh Club
50 Years Plus
The Walsh Club (50 years plus) reunion which we held at Café Vic in the Melbourne Arts Centre earlier in the year was very well attended. It's fantastic to see the group growing with the addition of the 50 year peer group year on year.
Once again you organised a delightful gathering for us. Thank you. Judging by the chatter and positive comments everyone thoroughly enjoyed your popular event.
Deidre Bills-Thompson
Thank you so much for organising Friday. We all had a great time as we always do. We never run out of chat. See you in November.
Fay Buckley
5 and 10 Year Reunion
We had a great turnout with around 50 Kilvonians attending the 5 and 10 year reunion in May at the Hotel Brighton. It's always a real treat to have some of our past and present teachers come along. Many thanks to our Principal, Jon Charlton, Ann Cleghorn, Les Clements and Terry Wymer for sharing their time with us.
Class of 1962 Catch Up
Some of the 1962 peer group enjoyed catching up for lunch at Southbank in December last year. They are planning on doing it again this year and would love to hear from others in their peer group and meet up.
Please feel free to contact Julianne Power (Harber) at to reconnect.