Kingston IWD

Sphero robots and The Funkadelics
A number of students including myself went to Kingston Town Hall on Friday 6 March, where they were presenting the Kingston Woman of the Year award. Our school band, The Funkadelics were asked to perform at the IWD 2020 Kingston event, and to accompany their performance, Emma Xu, Sarah Liu, Olivia Ayyuce, Ruby Wang, Louise Thomas and myself volunteered to choreograph a dance using the Sphero robots. Thanks to Claudia for helping us finish the program.
The MC for the event was Carla Anderson who had a hearing disability. It was encouraging to see that she didn’t let her disability get in the way of her life. An aboriginal dance group called the Djirri Djirri Wurundjeri Women’s dance group performed. Then they presented the nominees for the Kingston Woman of the Year Award, one of whom was former student Tara Graves (2017) , and announced the winner.
Learning about all the things these women have achieved was really inspiring. After that the Funkadelics performed, and the video of the Sphero robot dance was playing in the background. The Funkadelics gave an amazing performance! After the awards ceremony was completed, there were refreshments. During the refreshments, some attendees approached us and asked how we programmed the robots and we showed them the program and demonstrated the robots performing the dance.
Overall this event was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it to other students in the future.
Akshaya Karthikeyan (8A)