International students

Cultural Diversity and Harmony Week
Last week, MGSC successfully celebrated Cultural Diversity and Harmony week, which gave us a chance to learn about the cultures from all around the world within this school.
The phrase ‘cultural diversity’ can refer to different cultures respecting each other's differences. Harmony Day is celebrated annually on March 21st. It’s the time when people come together and participate in activities. The message of Harmony day is “Everyone belongs”. We combined these two events to make Cultural Diversity and Harmony week from 10 -13 March 2020.
The orange ribbons that were distributed represent cultural diversity and harmony We had a wonderful week with many cultural workshops including anime drawing (with Cindy Han), origami (with Wana Sornratanachai, Sri Dyavanapally and Nicole Chhun), Malyasian arts and crafts (led by Ms Leong), henna (with Rhini Geetha Ashok Balaji and Sri Dyavanapally) and trying on cultural costumes (with Hailey Nguyen, Hazel Pham, Penny Do and Chan Le). An Indian dancing class was led by an experience instructor. Thank you to all student volunteers who led the workshops and the teachers who supervised them.
On Wednesday 11 March there was a big celebration day with food stalls where students could sample a food made by MGSC students. Cuisine included: Thai, Indian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. There was also lots of cultural music and fun Kpop and TikTok dancing MCed by Ms Blumenstein.
Thank you to all students and staff for participating in the activities and volunteering time to help us. The week could not have happened without all your effort and support.
Jessie Nguyen (International student leader) and Mini So (EAL domain leader)