Deputy Principal / Religious Education News 

Christmas Carols

When: Thursday 12th December at 7:00pm

Where: Sacred Heart Church

Everyone is invited to come along and join in singing as one.

Year 6 Graduation

Our Year Six students will be celebrating their primary school achievements with a special Graduation Mass on Monday 16th December at 7:00pm.  They can wear smart casual clothes only. Year Five students are required to attend in full school uniform to support their peers and they will also take an active part in the mass. 

End of School Year Mass

We will celebrate the end of our school year with a special mass on Wednesday 18th December at 9:10am. All families are welcome to attend and we will also announce the 2020 School Captains and Vice Captains. School for 2019 will finish at 3:15pm.

The Giving Tree

A reminder to families to support the Giving Tree in the foyer at Sacred Heart Church this Advent Season. Families are welcome to drop off items for Christmas Hampers for St. Vincent de Paul Preston at school and we will take them to the church. Items wanted include: soft drinks, Christmas goods: pudding, shortbread, chocolates etc.

Advent Season

This Sunday we will celebrate the 2nd week of Advent and light the second purple candle on the wreath in our classrooms. 

We have four candles on our wreath to represent the four weeks of Advent where we prepare to welcome the birth of Jesus Christ.

  • God's people -The Candle of Hope. Hope is like a light shining in a dark place.
  • The old testament prophets - The Candle of Peace.
  • John the Baptist - The Candle of Love.
  • Mary the mother of Jesus - The Candle of Joy.