Principal's Post

Dear Parents,

The Year 7s finished their camp programme this week up at Rawson. The camp is part of the Transition and Orientation Programme in Year 7. The environment of Rawson, Erica and Walhalla offers stunning outdoor activities designed to challenge and enjoy. Thanks to all the staff especially Ms McDonald and Mr Pearson for managing the activities and for Mr May and Mr Lee for coordinating the students and pastoral activities.


Thanks to the mothers and fathers who attended the first Mothers’ Association and first Fathers’ Association meetings for the year. Both meetings had new members attend. The associations are a critical component of the De Mazenod Family and all parents are welcome to get involved in the meetings and the activities they conduct throughout the year.


In the past Mazenod was prominent supporting the work of BlazeAid. Many staff, parents and students volunteered their services in 2009 after Black Saturday to work in Kilmore East building and repairing fences and in 2011 at Bridgewater after the floods in Victoria. BlazeAid is a volunteer-based organisation that works with families and individuals in rural Australia after natural disasters such as fires and floods. Working alongside the rural families, our volunteers help to rebuild fences and other structures that have been damaged or destroyed.


Equally important, volunteers also help to lift the spirits of people who are often facing their second or third flood event after years of drought, or devastating losses through bushfires. BlazeAid volunteers work in a disaster-affected area for many months, not only helping individuals and families, but also helping rebuild the local communities. The BlazeAid website is The College is currently communicating with BlazeAid to work out how we can participate in the programme again.


There are a few other ways of responding to the Bushfire Disaster that are being considered by the Social Justice Teams. Sadly we have informed the Red Cross that our Year 11 Students will be unable to collect for their annual appeal this year. While the chance of a student visiting a home where a person has been isolated due to restrictions associated with the Coronavirus is low, the possibility would exist. Red Cross respect our decision and we have assured them we expect to collect again in 2021, as we have for nearly 30 years.


I would also like to draw your attention to the Inaugural Mass details in the newsletter for next Friday, 28th February. 


Yours sincerely,



Mr Tony Coghlan
