Primary News

Mrs. Audrey Fellowes - Head of Primary - Deputy Principal

Year 7 2023 Orientation Day

Monday 17 October

On Monday 17 October, Year 6 students continuing into Year 7 will attend their Year 7 2023 Orientation Day.  For any Year 6 student not participating, normal attendance is expected for the school day.


Reminder: Year 7 2023 Parent Information Session will be held from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm in the Upper LRC.  Your attendance is encouraged. 

Primary Pick up Procedures 

Circular Drive 

The Primary Years staff really appreciate your support in helping to keep our youngest students safe at going home time. We would like to clarify a few procedures that will help with this: 



Prep students will arrive at Circular Drive by 3:05 pm, followed by Year 1 and 2 by 3:10 pm and Years 3 to 6 at around 3:15 pm. Please arrive close to the time of your eldest child, to avoid being asked to circle. 


Going Around:  

Please ensure that when you are asked to go around, you turn LEFT out of Circular Drive onto Gregory Street. Whilst it will take you longer to do a loop, it helps to keep traffic flowing and is more likely to result in a waiting child once you arrive back at the College.  


Moving up to cone 1:  

Each cone represents a pickup spot. If you are first in the line, please ensure that you drive all the way up to cone 1, to enable a further five cars to pull in behind you.  


Name Card: 

If you have not received a name card to display in your windscreen, please email Sarah Wyer and she will happily make one for you.  



If you need to park close to the College, please be respectful of our neighbours and keep their driveways clear at all times. 


Year 1 and 2 Parents: 

Now that we are approaching the end of the year, we are encouraging students to be more independent. With this in mind, if you usually pick your child up from the classroom, we ask that you no longer wait on the balcony for lessons to finish. You are very welcome to meet your child in Leopard Terrace once they have organised their belongings and said goodbye to their teacher. If you have a younger sibling that you collect earlier than 3:10 pm, please feel free to supervise them on the playground in Leopard Terrace, as you wait for their brother or sister.  


Thank you for your close attention to this as we endeavour to effectively utilise all available classroom time, build student autonomy, and consider the safety of all students as they leave school.  

Primary What’s Happening Calendar Snapshot

Term 4:          Week 3 (Monday 17/10/2022 – Friday 21/10/2022)

Timetable:      Week A 

Please refer to the online calendar, via the Clayfield College app or your Parent Lounge, for a live daily/weekly schedule of events.