Parents & Friends 

ITS DISCO TIME!  Friday 21st October

Get ready for the kids to enjoy some dancing at the upcoming school disco, Hawaiian style!

Date: Friday 21st October at the school hall

Times:     Foundation to Year 3 @ 6:30pm to 7:15pm 

                Year 4 to Year 6 @  7:30pm to 8:30pm


The theme this year will be Hawaiian  so bust out those tropic summer filled outfits and get your kids ready to hit the dance floor.


Please purchase your tickets via Trybooking: Bookings close Thursday 20th October

Please ensure parents/carers drop off and pick up their children at the school hall entrance (including for senior disco).. P&F and parent volunteers will be assisting in running the event.


Second Hand Uniform Sale

The next sale will be on Tuesday 11th October 8:30 to 9:30am and 3:00 to 4:00pm in the last portable (next to the Korean room).

Cash only payment/donation the day to our Parents and Friends collection to raise money for new Astroturf for the school.


Uniform Donations 

We are also going to trial a dedicated Uniform donation drop off day - if you have any uniform items (including non branded items), please ensure they are washed and folded and hand them bring them to second hand stall between 8:30 to 9:30am and 3:00 to 4:00 pm. If you are unable to come in yourself and are comfortable with your child dropping them off, that is also fine.


In the future, we hope to have a separate donation day ahead of the sale day. Stay tuned for further updates about these days closer to the time.


MANGO FUND RAISER - order by Oct 20th

Its coming up to mango season - get your orders in quick so you dont miss out -  

Each box is $30 - and usually have between 14 and 23 mangoes, with a total tray weight of approximately 7kg. All money raised will go towards the Astroturf.

Orders are due by THURSDAY 20th OCTOBER 4PM 

The mangoes will be delivered to OPS mid December and you will be notified of a date and time to collect. 

WORKING BEE! Sunday 23rd October

Term 4's Working Bee will be held on Sunday 23rd October 9:30am to 12:00noon.

Please come along for all or some of the morning if you can. It will be great to see people together on site. We also welcome new families joining us in 2023 to come along and get to know their new school community. If you know your neighbours or kinder friends are starting at OPS next year, please extend our invitation to them.

Please bring any garden tools that will assist on the day.


We’ll be hosting our annual welcome picnic early in the new year - we’re fortunate to have Woodstack Pizza and Ormond Ice Creamery back to help us celebrate so make sure you have Friday 17th February 2023 in your calendars.

Join our Facebook Group 'OPS Parents and Friends Community Kindness' to see regular reminders of what's going on at school, and to swap resources such as second hand uniform with other parents.


We welcome new volunteers and new ideas!  You can contact us at anytime on