Global Citizen Awards & Assembly Performances

Students will be presented with the GCA certificates at assembly at 3:00pm on Monday 10th October


Parents are welcome to attend. Mask wearing is strongly recommended.


Charlotte V  -  Persistence

Charlotte not only strives to complete quality work in the classroom, but she also demonstrates persistence when continuing her home reading, even when tired.

Connor Mc  -  Quality Learning

Connor consistently demonstrates excellent carpet manners and always contributes to class discussions. It is a joy to hear his knowledgeable facts about space, different countries, dinosaurs and world records!

Year 1

Emily M  -  Acceptance

Emily has been extremely welcoming and caring of our new student this first week back of Term 4. She constantly shows acceptance and respect towards all her peers not only this week but always. You’re wonderful Emily.

Matilda S  -  Quality Learning

Matilda has made outstanding growth in her reading and writing, and is becoming an excellent literacy student who should be very proud of herself. Well done Tilly!

Year 2

Marcus Y  -  Quality Learning

Marcus has worked very hard to improve in all areas of the curriculum, in particular with his reading and writing. He did an amazing job with writing his narrative.

Ranveer M  -  Respect

Ranveer is an extremely respectful student. His manners are exemplary and he is thoughtful and considerate with all his classmates.

Year 3

Kodie B  -  Quality Learning

Kodie has made a fantastic start to Term 4. She is focussing on presenting her work in a neat and organised manner. Kodie asks for assistance when she needs it. Keep up the great work Kodie. 

Isla S  -  Quality Learning

For displaying a positive attitude towards learning about poetry. She has demonstrated quality learning through her analysis of poems she has been reading.

Year 5 

Archie H  -  Persistence

For his determination to always be his best, and to improve his writing which is engaging and humorous to read. 

Indigo G  -  Persistence

For her determination and focus in Maths. It’s been great to see how hard Indi persists in this subject. Keep it up!

Kira M  -  Quality Learning

For her fantastic start to the term, displaying a strong focus and determination in mathematics. Well done!

Year 6


Oscar H  -  Excellence

For enthusiastically participating in Reading sessions, especially reading aloud to the class and sharing his insights. Keep it up, Oscar!

Jack G  -  Quality Learning

For his ability to work independently and continuously challenge himself by setting new learning goals to help extend his knowledge.