Specialist Report

Physical Education


House Athletics Carnival

A day of colour! A day of excitement! A day of fun in the Winter sun!

It was a beautiful sunny day that greeted all the competitors in Years 3/4 & 5/6 at the House Athletics Carnival at Moonee Valley Athletics Track on July 15th.


The students competed in 8 different events across the day, from shot put to high jump. It was a delight to see all the smiles and house colours on display! 


Thank you to all the parent volunteers and teachers who made this great day possible and brilliant.


We now have a wonderful team of talented athletes who have progressed through to compete at the EDPSSA Athletics Carnival on the 16th of August at the Keilor Athletics Arena.


Hoop Time Happy Days

It was great to be back at the Keilor Basketball Stadium and playing in the 5/6 EDPSSA District Hooptime competition. We had 4 teams represent our wonderful school and all teams played exceptionally well, with our boys team making it to the semi finals. Thanks again to all our parent volunteers whose support is invaluable. 


Softball Victoria

In Week 1 of Term 3, some classes in 3/4 were able to participate in free clinics organised by Softball Victoria. Students practised throwing, catching and swinging the bat. 

Below are some photos of students participating in these clinics.

If you're interested in softball, there are some upcoming Home Run Heroes Programs happening soon.


Molly’s Magic! 

5/6 student, Molly has successfully qualified for the SSV State Cross Country Team!

Molly's outstanding achievement is also backed up by coming 2nd in the State Little Athletics Cross Country Carnival.

Well done Molly, we are very proud of your outstanding achievements.


This term, Foundation students have been learning about Japanese culture through celebrating the Tanabata festival (which is a beautiful love story) and Daruma dolls (which provide good luck) . Students have also been learning how to count and write the Japanese numbers in kanji.


Year 1/2s have been learning about vehicles in Japanese and are able to sing about them very well. We will soon be using those vehicles to discuss our preferences, which will also introduce some basic grammar structures.


Year 3/4s have been learning about body parts and adjectives to describe them. Soon the students will be creating full sentences about an anime character of their own design. This encompasses some essential Japanese linguistic skills, and also provides a connection to Japanese culture.


Year 5/6s have been learning to construct full sentences about their daily life. Sentence structure in Japanese is very different to that of English, so seeing the students grasp this easily has been exciting and will serve as additional motivation for the coming weeks when we will begin keeping a diary.


Visual Art

Here are some completed art works from Term 2.


Year 5/6 students were working hard on their projects on Australian animals. They were able to choose their own medium and animals, for example, they could draw, paint or make a sculpture. Here are some of the completed projects. 


Year 3/4 students completed their mixed media Australian bee artwork and reflected and self evaluated their work. 


Year 1/2 have continued to explore the use of different tools in the art to make textures. They had fun learning how to use rubbing plates and stencils. 

Foundation students reviewing their learning, with a focus on art techniques that improve fine motor skills. They created animals from paper bags, drew pictures with paint sticks and created dot paintings.