Year 3/4 Report

This term in Inquiry, the Year 3/4 students are inquiring into how the exploration of Australia has impacted indigenous culture.  Students have explored the discovery of Australia with the arrival of Captain Cook, the arrival of the First Fleet, what it was, why they were sent to Australia and what happened as a result of this. 


In Literacy, learning has been directly linked with our Inquiry topic and given students the opportunity to have deeper discussions and wonderings about the topic. Using the knowledge they have gained, the 3/4 students have been writing from the perspectives of both the Indigenous and British people across different events and time periods. 


In Numeracy, students have been working on developing strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. These strategies have focused on breaking down each step helping students to understand the how and why they get a particular answer. They have then been working on applying this knowledge when solving a range of maths problems.