Principal's Report

I want to start this report by sending out our deepest appreciation for all of the support we have felt from all of our families across the start of this term. I am extremely grateful for the patience, care, consideration and engagement that we have seen from all members of our learning community.


As I had mentioned in a Compass post earlier this term, we were looking down the barrel of a complex term with major school events entwined with the challenge of increased absences through illness. The complexities have continued to meet our expectations, and in some instances, exceeded them. Despite this, we have seen a successful start to Term Three thanks to the combined efforts of our amazing community. 




Our community has really stepped up to volunteer and support the many school events we've got running at the moment. There are so many events/programs where we have had invaluable parents/carers helping out, so many that I cannot possibly acknowledge each one through this report. Excursions, camps and other programs or events simply could not be happening without your help. On behalf of our staff and students, thank you! This is the work of a strong school community.


We are now ready to welcome parent/carer helpers in the classroom, stay tuned for more information on this and invitations that will come through SeeSaw**. There will be many more opportunities over the rest of the year, so stay tuned through Compass and SeeSaw. 


Thank you for helping out in any way that you can. 


**Parents/carers who will be volunteering in classrooms will need to meet regular volunteer obligations (WWC & Child Safe Code of Conduct record at the office) plus an additional five minute briefing for specific guidelines for helping in the classroom.



Our intensive swimming program was definitely intense! But our parents/carers, staff and students stepped up to ensure everyone had an amazing experience. Whether you helped wrangle students around the pool, or simply ensured that swimming gear was ready each day at home, your contribution was important. Well done to Dani Soccio and Heather who lead much of the coordinations for the last two weeks, another successful albeit tiring swimming program.


Whilst I am highlighting successful school events, how could I look past the year 3-6 athletics carnival. After the 'not so long' walk down to Aberfeldie Park our students represented themselves, and their House, with tremendous sportspersonship. Sam was great in putting this event together and was pretty good on the microphone too. However, his MC skills were almost outshone by the awesome work of all the parent helpers coordinating events. Great day for all involved!


100 DAYS Celebrations

Congratulations to our amazing Foundation students who celebrated their 100 days of school recently. It has been amazing to see how much our Foundation students have learnt this year, with so much for everyone involved to be proud of. This includes - parents/carers, students and teachers. What a great start to your formal education!



Please join us in welcoming Sandra Tigani, who has been the latest edition to the Aberfeldie community - working in the office alongside Belinda and Julie. Sandra comes to Aberfeldie with a huge range of administrative skills, from outside of schools, and we are lucky to have her on board. Ensure you make her feel welcome and show her your support through the transition into the unique space of a school community.


NAPLAN Data Teaser

Preliminary NAPLAN data was released in recent weeks, with the final data to be shared soon. It is suffice to say that Aberfeldie has not only fared well, but we will have so much to celebrate. Everyone's hard work is paying off and we are seeing tremendous results, not just in NAPLAN but across the board - in all areas of our learning.