Important Dates & Events

Important Dates:

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Information and updates to dates will be made through Compass.




WEEK 6: 

  • Tuesday 16th August: District Athletics (selected students)
  • Thursday 18th August: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm) - Acts from Year 5/6
  • Thursday 18th August: Assembly (2:50pm)

WEEK 7: Book Week

  • Tuesday 23rd August: Foundation Excursion - Scienceworks
  • Wednesday 24th August: Year 1/2 Excursion - Bundoora Park Farm
  • Thursday 25th August: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm) - Acts from Year 3/4
  • Friday 26th August: Book Week Dress Up Day

WEEK 8: 

  • Monday 29th August: 5/6 Excursion - Immigration Museum Excursion
  • Thursday 1st September: Father's Day Breakfast (the Fathering Project) and the Father's Day Stall
  • Thursday 1st September: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm) - Acts from Year 3/4 & 1/2
  • Thursday 1st September: Assembly (2:50pm)
  • Thursday 1st September: 2023 Foundation Familiarisation Session 2:30-3:30pm


  • Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th September: Book Fair
  • Thursday 8th September: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm) - Acts from Foundation TBC
  • Thursday 8th September: APS Kids Disco

WEEK 10: 

  • Thursday 15th September: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm) - Acts from Foundation TBC
  • Thursday 15th September: Assembly (2:50pm)
  • Friday 16th September: Last day of Term 3

Term 4 

  • Monday 3rd October: Pupil Free Day 
  • Tuesday 4th October: Term 4 commences
  • Sunday 9th October: WORKING BEE - more information to come!
  • Wednesday 19th October, 26th October & 2nd November: 2023 Foundation Orientation Sessions


Aberfeldie's Got Talent

We are so excited that Aberfeldie's Got Talent is starting this term!

Abers Got Talent is an opportunity to showcase the amazing talent we have at Aberfeldie Primary School, and it gives students an opportunity to perform to an audience, and for others to enjoy student performances. 


Thank you to all the talented students who have submitted their forms to perform. The performances start in Week 5 and will run on Thursdays at lunchtime (1:50pm start). There will be students performing solo, as a duet, or in a group, and their performances include items, such as singing and dancing to stand-up comedy and gymnastics. 


Due to the overwhelming student interest, we will announce a winner from Foundation, Yr 1, Yr 2, Yr 3/4 & Yr 5/6. Winners will be announced after all performances are complete. It is hoped that all winners will perform to the whole school in Term 4.  


For those performing, please ensure the following is ready for the performances:

  • All music that might be required is pre-recorded on an iPad or can be airdropped to another device.
  • Students have rehearsed and are happy and prepared to perform.
  • Costumes are optional.
  • On the day of the auditions, students will be called to the gym at 1:30pm to prepare for a 1:50pm start.
  • If for some reason students can no longer perform, it is not a problem - please inform the student's teacher.  
  • Parents, grandparents and family members are welcome to attend student performances.

- Amy Wong


Book Week 

Each year since 1945 the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. This is a time for schools to celebrate books and Australian children's book authors and illustrators. 

Throughout Book Week, all classes at APS will be celebrating by reading some of the CBCA nominated books, participating in activities relating to the theme, and highlighting the importance of reading.  We will also celebrate Book Week by having a dress up day on Friday 26th August

The theme this year is Dreaming with eyes open. We encourage students to dress up as their favourite book character or dress up as a character that suits the theme. There will not be a dress up parade this year, however all classes will take photos which will go in the school newsletter and posted on Seesaw. 

- Kimberley Caffari


Book Fair

During Week 9 (Tuesday 6th – Friday 9th September) we will be having our Book Fair. 

More information to come soon!

- Belinda Hudson


APS Kids' Disco

The APS Fundraising Committee invite all APS kids to the 2022 APS KIDS DISCO, hosted by the ever popular Bop Til You Drop


Thursday Sept 8 

2 sessions

Prep-2: Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Grades 3-6: Time: 6:15pm -7:30pm 


* Tickets $10 per child – includes water and popcorn.* 

Disco Party Pack- only $10 includes glow stick, light up head wear and lots of other cool stuff.  Oh YEAH coolest kid in APS!


Purchase both via QKR  

On the night you will need to register your child on arrival and provide an emergency contact and the name of the person designated to collect your child at the end of the disco. Click on the following links to volunteer your time on the evening; or to assist with donations which are gratefully accepted!  


If you have any questions please email Olivia on: