Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Zoe Overdyk (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
English Overview Term 3 / Camp reminders / Specialist Timetable
ENGLISH - Term Three
During Term Three, each class has been reading a selection of novels which have made up our class Book Club program. Book Club has been designed for structuring the learning needs of individual students, to challenge their reading and enhance their learning. It has allowed students to read books that they may not have chosen to read during independent reading. Making connections to Secondary school English classes where the choice of the reading book is not always expected.
Weekly comprehension strategies have been a focal point covering Predicting, Questioning, Making Connections, Synthesising, Inferring, Critiquing and finding the Main Idea.
Note taking has also been an important learning focus, teaching students to take notes on key / important parts of the story line.
Book Club. These are the books being read in each class:
Wish, Felice Arena
Scum of the Earth, Pamela Freeman / One the Team, Rachel Flynn
Shark Attack, Jackie French
Finders Keepers, Emily Rodda
Reborn, Kathryn England
The Wayne Dynasty, David McRobbie
The Greenhouse Effect, David Reiter
Rangers Apprentice, John Flanagan
Staying Alive in Year 5, John Marsden
Gumbles on Guard, S.A. Wakefield
Deltora Quest, Emily Rodda
Don't call me Ishmael, Michael Gerard Bauer.
Compare and Contrast:
During week six, all students viewed The Wizard of Oz and completed a Venn Diagram comparing the 1939 movie with our production. Focus is on the main characters within the movie, viewing how they acted, comparing events that happened and then making the connection to our Production.
It's all about POETRY during Term Three! Our Year Five and Six students have been working with many different forms of poetry allowing them to express thoughts, feelings and funny emotions in multiple ways. Poems such as Shape, Diamante, Slam, Free Verse, Limerick, Clerihew, Tercets, Haiku and Cinquain are the ones that we have focused on.
Learning the structure, the pattern, the main idea of each poem has been integral for our students to produced emotional, descriptive and even silly / funny poems.
Read through a few of the examples below to experience a range of 5/6 poems.
Speaking and Listening:
As you all are probably aware, our whole school Production was a great success last week. All of our students participated in some way, whether it was backstage assisting with props or on the stage acting with their peers. Students have been working very hard during the school day, rehearsing their lines, practicing on stage movement and going over the dance movements. A huge congratulations to all of our students, we are proud of the hard work you all put in.
Check out the photos below of some of the rehearsals and our dress rehearsal day.
Home Learning:
Home Learning in Term Three looks a lot different to that of Term Two. Each week, students be sent home with a 'Homework Book'. It is expected that each week, students are completing at least four night of reading, two Spelling activities from the activity matrix provided, the Maths worksheet which is linked to concepts taught in class and either their Science lab report/ or a Writing activity. Activities that are linked to Science and Writing will alternate each week.
A reminder that Homework will be sent home each Friday and cover the concepts taught. throughout the week prior. It is due back the following Wednesday.
EXCITING NEWS! Preparations are well underway for the Year 5/6 students trip tp Campaspe Downs!
A bit of housekeeping is detailed below:
The expression of interest survey is closing Friday August26th at 4pm. If you would like to be considered as a parent helper, please fill out the survey *link below*
ALL students attending camp are required by DET to complete an individual student medical form This form allows teachers and camp staff to try their best to cater for the needs of each individual student. This year, we are collecting medical information digitally to save on paper and minimise the amount of paperwork carted around.
A link to the medical form is provided here:
A reminder that families can work with Janette in the school office regarding paying for school camps via instalment plans. School camps can be costly, especially with multiple children. We would love to see as many Year 3/4 and 5/6 who on camp this year.
Stay tuned for camp updates via COMPASS and in upcoming Newsletters!
5/6 A
Visual Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Performing Arts: Thursday 9:00am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 11:30am
Japanese: Thursday 1:00pm (odd weeks)
Visual Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Health & Physical Education: Wednesday 9:00am
Japanese: Thursday 11:50am (odd weeks)
Visual Arts:Thursday 9:00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 10:30am
Japanese: Thursday 11:10am (odd weeks)