Year Three/ Four
Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe (Class 34A)
Rebecca Tilley (Class 34B)
Michelle Wright (Class 34C)
Bindi - We have been reading our class focus text 'Bindi'. The students have enjoyed learning about Bindi, her family and their culture. It is a very interesting text which is written in verse form by author Kirli Saunders. An important glossary of Gundungurra words are in the back of the text to help us understand some of the terms used within the text. Throughout the text, you will find some beautiful pencil illustrations. To connect to the text, our students were given the challenge of creating a pencil sketch self-portrait.
During our recent reading sessions, we have been learning about the importance of reading with expression and the purpose of punctuation. Reading sounds a little strange when we don't read to punctuation!
Our students read to each other using their understanding of expression and reading to punctuation.
Informative Writing - This term we have shifted our focus to informative writing. The purpose of this writing is to inform the reader. We have been learning about newspaper articles, information reports and explanation reports. Students have been exploring the format of each text type, drafting and writing their own pieces. Please enjoy some of the newspaper articles below.
Oral presentation
Throughout this term, our students have been exploring one of the states or territories around Australia. Some information they are gathering includes: geographical features, man-made features, climate, use of the land and population. Towards the end of the term, each student will be present their findings to the class.
We are very much looking forward to our Year 3/4 Camp to Forest Edge in week four of Term Four. (Term 4: October 24-26). Please note that this event is live on Compass. Medical information is to be recorded via the Google Forms. Recently, The Year Three/Four Teachers ran through the camp PowerPoint with the students and discussed any questions that the students had regarding camp. If you have any questions regarding camp, please contact your child's classroom teacher.
If you know that your child will not be attending camp, could you please notify your child's classroom teacher so alternative arrangements can be made.
Wow what a wonderful production! Congratulations to all our amazing students for their eagerness, confidence and participation in our recent production. Thank you also to our parents for their assistance in organising costumes and general assistance. Please enjoy the following photos taken over the two nights.
- Messages - Please contact the office if you have a message for your child during the day. We cannot guarantee teachers will check their emails during the day.
- Diaries - Your child should be bringing home their school diary each night. Your child should be recording their reading each night: title of the book, page numbers read and a parent signature. They should also be writing down which times tables they have worked on that day. Students should be bringing in their diary to school daily.
- Times Tables - Please assist your your child to practise these times tables so that they can respond automatically and in any order.