School Council 

School Council Newsletter Report - 21 July 2022


Last Thursday, the healthy members of Wyndham Vale Primary School Council met to review and approve policy updates and last month's finance report.  It was one of our shorter meetings, but we managed to get through quite a bit.  There will be lots happening at Wyndham Vale Primary School in the second half of this year, so check out the important dates and mark them in your calendars.


We were presented with the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy which ties in with the new School Community Safety Order Scheme which will be implemented by the Department of Education and Training from Term 3 this year.  The policy sets standards for parents and carers, with the intention to reduce the risk of work-related violence towards school staff.  The scheme will provide principals with the tools they need to stop threatening or abusive behavior towards adult members of the school community.  I know as parents, we want to protect our children from bullying and be their voice if we feel they aren’t being heard, but we need to lead by example and treat the office staff, teachers and principals with kindness.  There are systems in place that ensure you are heard and your concerns addressed.  Depending on the complexity, some problems may take longer to solve than others, so please be patient and remember that everyone has the right to feel safe at work.

Now that we are halfway through the school year, it’s time to think about all the little brothers and sisters who may be getting ready to go to big school next year.  I’d encourage you to start the enrolment process, you can pick up an enrollment pack from the office, or do it online:  School uniform shopping over the Christmas break is always challenging so now might be the best time to start looking at new or second hand uniforms, there are some for sale in the office.



And the rest…  The Bi-Annual Art Show is a not to be missed event, there will be paintings, drawings and ceramics on display at WVPS in September from over one thousand local and very talented artists.  

The new cricket nets are complete and I’m sure the kids are already lining up at recess and lunch to get a bit of practice in.  There’s progress being made on our oval, with Department officers meeting with the school to start planning for the upgrade.  



And finally - a huge thank you to everyone who helped WVPS win 1st place in Pacific Werribee’s - Shop for your School, I’ve heard the kids and the teachers have come up with some fantastic ideas as to how to spend the $15,000 prize money, I’m excited to see what is decided.



Our next meeting is 11 August 2022.


Sharon Gatt 

School Council President