Principal's Message

A message from our Principal




Dear Families


Despite the cold mornings we have been enjoying some wonderful weather of late.  I hope that the sunshine has brightened your day!  


ADVANCE NOTICE: Common Day: Monday, September 5  

For Semester 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day. 




As a result, we have scheduled our professional practice day for Monday, September 5, 2022. This has been approved by our school council.  Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day.



To assist with the care of your children, our out of school hours program will be running on this date.  You are able to book through the usual avenues.  We felt it was useful to provide you with as much notice as possible.  







A reminder that it is a recommendation from the Department of Education that all staff, and students aged eight and above wear a mask from now until the end of winter when working inside, to help slow the spread of this particularly infectious new strain of COVID- 19.  



Other activities 


There has been a lot going on at school over the past week, which has required a high degree of organisation, and flexibility on the part of the staff.  Some of these events I have shared with you below:



Swimming program

Most  of our year one students have been involved in our swimming program this week.  Many parents took the opportunity to enrol their child in this free course and children have gained some valuable skills; even around the organisation needed to get yourself dressed and packed up at the pool each day.  Next week  the remaining year one students, and team Three A will be heading off on the swimming program.  The rest of year three, along with grade five, will have the opportunity to participate later in the year.  


Spelling Bee 

After a two year hiatus, due to the pandemic, the Wyndham Vale Primary School Spelling Bee is once again on the calendar.  Classes are currently running trials to identify students who will proceed to the next stage of the competition, with the final scheduled for Wednesday, September 7.  As a school we seek to acknowledge all different types of excellence: academic, sporting, arts.  This is just one example of this.  Right up front I would like to say a big congratulations and well done to any student who is prepared to have a go at this, or any, competition.  It takes courage to put your hand up and take the risk.  You have my respect.




Foundation: 100 days of school

Tomorrow our youngest children will celebrate having been at school for 100 days.  A fun day of learning and activities are planned and these children will be coming to school dressed as older people.  Well done Foundation – you have learnt a lot so far in your first year of school.  I am sure there will be lots of wonderful photos to share with you in the next edition of the newsletter.




Athletics Days 

Yesterday (years 3/4) and today (years 5/6) students were involved in our athletics days.  The success of these days has been a consequence of the hard work of the PE department – as there is a LOT of organisation involved. There has been a variety of track and field events – with a range of well earned ribbons awarded.   The top students in each age group/event may get the opportunity to proceed to the next stage of the the local athletic competitions, whereby they will compete against children from other schools. Photos listed under the House Captain's report tab.


Art Show

Mrs Palmer, and our students have been working really hard creating pieces of art work in preparation for our bi-annual art show….. although it has been a while since we have had one due, once again, to the limits of the COVID pandemic.  This fantastic event is scheduled for the afternoon/early evening of Thursday, September 15.  Entry will be by gold coin donation and our wonderful parents and friends group are organising some yummy snacks for purchase, along with the opportunity for students who are attending with a parent, to get their face painted.  I am sure you will be impressed at the skills of our students.  It promises to be a fun night.  Pencil it into your calendar now. 




Interschool sports

Tomorrow our year six students will once again be representing the school in a range of interschool sports.  We wish them the best of luck and know that they will be excellent examples of good sportsmanship when representing our school. 


School enrolment

This week has been school enrolment week in our local kindergartens.  If you have, or know of, a student who will be attending WVPS next week we encourage you to get their enrolment form submitted so that we have clear ideas of attending numbers.  The opportunity to attend a school tour for new parents is also available – the dates are on our website.  




We are aware that some of our families will, in 2023, be in the enrolment zone for the new school in the Harpley Estate: Lollypop Creek (interim name).  Please note that should your child already be a student at WVPS they DO NOT  NEED TO CHANGE schools, even if you are now in the boundary for the new school.  Similarly, siblings of current students are also permitted to enrol with us, despite their residential address.  However, we do understand that some of our families would be considering this option for a range of reasons and if this is the case we will be supportive of your family moving to this new community.  Details about an information night being held for this new school are contained in the flyer below. Naturally, we would appreciate if you advise us as soon as you know if your intention is to move schools as this will assist us with our planning.  


Note:  to work out which school you are ‘zoned’ to, inclusive of secondary school visit the following website:  Ensure you select the correct year that you are enquiring about (e.g. 2023).


Enjoy your upcoming weekend everyone.


Sue Seneviratne
