Prep Excursion


What an exciting day! 

On Thursday 21 July the prep students visited Scienceworks. 

As a part of our 'How the World Works' unit of inquiry, the students are learning about materials and their properties. 

At school we have been exploring a number of different materials and how we can manipulate them for a purpose. 

During our visit to Scienceworks students were taken through an interactive story, solving design challenges faced by Dot, the main character in the 'Ground Up: Building Big Ideas Together' exhibition. 

Each time Dot encountered a problem, students built and tested solutions to solve them.

Students practised STEM skills such as designing and testing solutions, collaborating, communicating, and forming and recognising patterns.

Some students were challenged with design constraints and a more complex end-goal to extend thinking and problem solving skills. 

As well as this fantastic program run by the teachers at Scienceworks, students also enjoyed exploring the other exhibits where we raced Cathy Freeman and saw a 3D printed heart. 

It was so much fun.

According to many of the preps, it was the best day of their lives! 

Thank you to all our parents who volunteered to support us. 


Lucy Dunshea