Junior School update

Vicky Gemmell and Jacqui Sidaway

Whole-school House activities

The Junior School, ably led by the Year 6 and Year 12 Student Leaders had a ball at last Thursday’s House Activities event, making friendship bracelets, playing games on the oval, constructing a blindfold build, and Just Dancing in the Hall. It was a wonderful opportunity for students across our Junior and Senior School to strengthen their House friendships and connections, and a delight to see Prep–Year 12 students enjoying being together and having so much fun. We congratulate the student leaders arranging such a well-coordinated and engaging event. 

A hundred days of our precious preps

At assembly on Friday 29 July, we celebrated the Preps’ first hundred days of learning at Shelford. To acknowledge this auspicious occasion, their Year 6 buddies greeted them with a guard of honour, they made 100-day glasses and necklaces, had a special shared lunch together, and a dance party! Happy 100 days!



Congratulations, Corelli Strings and Ms Dixon-Lawrence!

Shelford’s fabulous Corelli String Orchestra achieved a Gold Award at the Victorian School Music Festival, with a wonderful performance by the Years 3–7 strings players. Their accomplishment is particularly impressive as they performed in a higher category for their average age. Despite their tender years and smaller instruments, they were mature, giving and focused on stage. What a wonderful outcome!

Junior School Performers

Term 3 is always an exciting time in the year when practising begins to pay off with some lovely performances. Already we have enjoyed listening to the following performances in Junior School Chapel Services and Assembly, all accompanied by Ms Kathryn Pisani.

  • Sylvie M, Year 5, cello solo: Sonata No. 5, 2nd movt by Vivaldi.
  • Miranda S, Year 4 and Oliva S, Year 2, violin duet: Pupil’s concerto No.2 by Friedrich Seitz
  • Charlotte C, Year 3, violin solo: Ode to Joy by Beethoven 

Shelford instrumental staff suggest students when they are ready to perform and we welcome any students who learn outside the school to let me know if you have a piece ready and have conferred with your instrumental teacher. We also have several instrumental recitals occurring this term in which students can be involved. Please do not hesitate to contact Jenni Thom if you have any queries: jthom@shelford.vic.edu.au.

Philosophy in Public Spaces: Excursion to the Immigration Museum

On Thursday 28 July, some Year 5 and 6 students were able to join a small group of Year 7 and 8’s, Mr Hill and Mr Brook from the Senior School to take the train into the city where they visited the Immigration Museum. There they met up with a couple of other schools and divided into groups of similar year levels. Each group walked around the museum to experience three different exhibitions which explored a variety of issues such as:

  • Diversity of Australians, where students looked at passports from all around the world from countries from which people had immigrated to Australia.
  • Racism, where students watched a mini movie about xenophobia and people’s different experiences.
  • Factors that prompt immigration, including war, natural disasters or the search for a better life.
'I liked how we got to learn about Philosophy and different people’s perspectives on life and how they deal with it.'
Annie A, Year 6


'I liked how we didn’t just explore one topic in the Museum, but multiple subjects like why people migrate, what causes wars and disasters, and whether coming to Australia would be better than going to another country.'
Greta A, Year 6

Tree Day Virtual Fun

Our wonderful JS Environment Captain, Francesca, presented the Junior School with information at assembly about National Tree Day, and invited all students to take the opportunity to Ask a Tree a question! You can have a look at this by following the link: Melbourne Urban Forest - Visual 

Playtime in the Junior School

This term, Junior School students have been enjoying a variety of opportunities during their break times. Students have been so pleased to spend their recess time back on the school side of the playground – they have loved playing in the sandpit, running around the boat and climbing the character poles! Students have also relished the chance to visit the library during recess on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each Cluster also have the opportunity to visit the library one lunchtime per week. Other lunchtime activities students can access include yoga (Years 4–6), Heart to Head (JDC and Years 3–6) and MakerSpace (Years 4–6).

Science Week – Glass: More than Meets the Eye

To celebrate the beginning of Science Week all Junior School students will attend the Mad Science Show at 2pm on Friday. They will be treated to a jam-packed 60-minute show of big WOW science madness!  There are giant smoke vortices, levitating beach balls, flying toilet paper, flour fireballs, hair-raising electricity, and lots of learning! If you would like to continue the Science fun at home you can find some fun activities here. We look forward to seeing some photos of Shelford students being super scientists; you might even find yourself featured in the newsletter or on our social media!

Junior School Procedures

We are so impressed with the continued development of independence and self-management we are seeing in our students across the Junior School. To further build on this, we ask that parents of students in Years 3–6 support us in the following procedures when arriving and departing the school after 8.20am or before 3.15pm.

  • Arrival at school: Year 3–6 students should report to Reception (parents may accompany them to Reception if required), sign in and then go to their classroom independently so that they may enter the class with minimal disruption to others’ learning.
  • Departure from school: parents may wait at Reception for their child to meet them after having been notified by their teachers/Reception staff that their parent has arrived to collect them.

Parents must notify school of any early departures, late arrivals or absences by emailing absences@shelford.vic.edu.au

Vicky Gemmell

Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development


Jacqui Sidaway

Head of Junior School – Curriculum and Innovation