Strategic Review

The Strategic Review for the school commenced this week.
The purpose of the Strategic Review is to look back on the goals, targets and actions we set for ourselves four years ago and make informed judgements on whether we have partially met, met or not met them.
There is a core panel, comprising of our Senior Education Improvement Leader, Facilitator, Principals from other schools and the Principal team of MGSC. There is also an extended panel comprising of Year 12 Student Leaders, Leading Teachers and Learning Specialists.
The core panel visited classrooms on Tuesday as part of their observation of student learning at MGSC. Further activities will include:
- Student focus groups
- Staff focus groups
- Further visits to classrooms
- Parent focus groups
In relation to parent focus groups, we invite parents to express interest in participating in an online focus group with the facilitator of the Review.
If you are interested in participating in the Parent Focus Group, please email me directly on and I will get back to you with details of how to register for the focus group.
Linda Brown