Principal's message

Dear MGSC community
There have been some bitter-cold mornings since we returned to school last week. On one day I had a thin layer of ice on my windscreen that took some time to melt. Those mornings make students and staff want to stay under the cosy covers just a little bit longer.
In defiance of the cold weather, many of the Music Staff and 80 students left school this morning to travel to Camp Oasis in Mount Evelyn where they will be immersed in the music program. The camp will culminate in a concert on Saturday for families to attend.
Last week was a huge week for the school, with the Languages Week celebrating French and Japanese culture and language. There were a range of activities that were held at lunch time in classtime across the school.
The Year 7 Women in History expo was also held last week and the research and displays were really outstanding. Families were invited to visit various rooms where the students were on hand to share their discovers with them. It is essential that our students know and appreciate the contribution of women throughout history who have paved the way for those of us who are living in the 21st Century.
Although NAIDOC Week was in the last week of the holidays it is still important to highlight the purpose and importance of the week with our students. Our teachers have been provided with resources and there were a number of related activities on our return to term 3.
Congratulations to Taliah O'Quely and Kemy Li (Year 8) for their excellent participation in the Monash University Robogal's Hackathon challenge. The duo placed second despite being the only Year 8 students in a competition of Year 9 to10 students. They had to create an economical and sustainable solution for transportation that can be used on a fictional planet and produced an excellent and engaging presentation.
Three teachers from MGSC, Sarah Scaramozzino, Kerry Archer and Teagan Dixon volunteered their time to escort 40 of our Year 7 to 9 students who attended the 12 day Ocean School in Brisbane, Cairns and Fitzroy Island over the holidays. They gave up their holidays to do this and I am very grateful to them for doing so. This opportunity was offered through Actura who have offered the NASA Trips in the past.
The SRC undertook a fundraising endeavour to raise funds to find a cure for Motor Neuron Disease. They sold beanies and held a free dress day on Thursday 23 June. Based on the amount of money received, a range of teachers were being dunked with cold water (including Carol Duggan and Detta Gordon). It was a terrific day, albeit cold. The SRC raised over $4,500!
You can follow MGSC events via the MGSC Instagram page or the MGSC Facebook Page.
Strategic Review
This week the College commenced this Review this week. Feedback from parents is sought. There is more information in the separate section.
Updated School Policies
Many of our school policies have been updated and these are now available on the School Website. Please familiarise yourself with the policies when you have a chance. Feedback is always welcome.
Take care
Linda Brown