Parent Information

2023 Apple Fair
'It's time to get the Apple rolling in preparation for the 2023 Apple Fair!
The OGPS Apple Fair is our major fundraising event, held annually at the school.
The Apple fair not only provides valuable funding for our school, it also creates opportunity for community connection and sparks joy in the students as they proudly share their school with family and friends.
In the past, the fair has always been held on the Friday before the labour day weekend from 4pm to 9pm and is usually hosted at the school.
After a 2 year hiatus, we now have the opportunity to review all things Apple Fair with the mantra of 'smarter not harder'. If you'd like to help, please join us at our next committee meeting to start planning the 2023 event.
Next committee meeting:
Friday the 19th of August (next Friday) at 9am in the staff room.
Subsequent meetings may be held in the evening in an effort to recruit committee members. Many hands make light work!'
Parent Help Please
OGPS has been given support to purchase and plant several trees throughout our grounds. If you have skills and knowledge in regards to native trees and would like to help Kristy devise a map for this planting process, please contact the school by Friday 12th August. Thankyou
Art News
Pupil Free Day - Camp Australia
The OGPS annual tree assessment has indicated that significant work may be required for the ongoing care and safety of our trees. The severe storm last year has contributed to some of the stress within our trees. The safety of our students and school community is of paramount importance and therefore the recommended work will commence as necessary.
Rapid Antigen Tests:
Ocean Grove Primary School have a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests for students.
Please click this link to access the Order Form
Sibling Enrolments - Foundation (Prep)
If you have a child who will be starting with us in 2023 and they already have a sibling with us at Ocean Grove Primary School in 2022, it would be helpful if you could fill out an enrolment form (please see the link below) and return to the office. This will assist with planning for 2023.
Book Week
Community News:
School Crossing Supervisor Award
School crossing supervisor of the year awards has been postponed to a date (to be set) hopefully this year.
Nominations are still open and will continue to be until further notice.
Please continue to send through the nominations and support our wonderful school crossing staff.