Carlton North Wellbeing

Dear parents and carers,


Over the past two weeks, a number of our students have presented with headache and vomiting which have then been recognised as symptoms of Covid-19. If your child is unwell, we urge you to keep your child at home, complete a RAT test and monitor for further symptoms. 


For all families, please continue to test your child at least twice a week before coming to school so that we can support each other in keeping as healthy as possible.


Below is further information from the Royal Children’s Hospital 2022








Support for children and young people: 

Kids Help Line: Information for young people aged 5 to 25 – free phone counselling as well as email and web chat online. See for further information. 

Support for Parents & Carers:




Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. We offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues. 

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