


Our Social and Emotional Lessons will be specifically focusing on bullying over the next 3-4 weeks. Bullying can be a very difficult experience to support and assist others with. We will be referring to resources such as the Respectful Relationships program, the Bounce Back program, Berry Street Education Model and the bullyingnoway website to guide our teaching during this time.  


Bullying is when someone repeatedly hurts or excludes us. If someone is mean or acts inappropriately towards us once, this isn't bullying.   


Different forms of bullying will be explored. Bullying can involve physically hurting, socially isolating, saying and doing mean or humiliating things. Cyber bullying will be explored too. 


Children are taught many strategies they can draw upon when they feel they are being bullied, or see someone else being bullied. Some of these include knowing who their trusted adults are, talking to these people, moving away and finding peers who will be kind and telling the person to stop it.  


Our children will be told Bullying is not OK. It feels awful and that they have the right to feel safe. 


Below is a fact sheet from the bullyingnoway website with many helpful tips that teachers will be exploring with children in the coming weeks.