Student Voice Leaders 

Student Voice 2022


As a primary school, students are at the core of everything we do. Every decision made, every action taken and even most conversations within the walls! At BNWPS, hearing from students has always been a part of our everyday practice in order to shape our decisions and actions. This year, we are revamping our student voice structure to make sure it is more meaningful and accessible to all students.


What you have previously known as JSC, House Captains, and Student CAT leaders – are now Student Voice Action Teams! Not only is the name a little different, but the structure is too.


During term 1, our senior students (grade 5 & 6) will be able to join weekly lunch time meetings in which they will be working on small projects to build their leadership skills. Some projects planned for term 1 include – art installations, PMP training and helping to organise the Cross Country.


Check out the beginnings of our first project – these little alien rocks will be hidden in the school next week to support the younger kids exploring the yard. The yard can be a scary place, these aliens will hopefully help to make it a little less scary! 


Towards the end of Term 1, students will decide on 5 key areas of interest and school improvement. They will be involved in Elections to decide the action teams leaders for the rest of the year.In terms 2 & 3, students will work in their Action Teams following a research model of action to make a change in our school!Each action team will be supported by a member of the Student Voice Staff Team – Ernesto (Grade 1/2 teacher), Edith (Foundation Teacher), Tom (PE teacher), Deb (Grade 6 Teacher), and Jenny (Foundation Teacher & Student Voice Leader).


Part of the Research model of Action the students will be working through is connecting with younger students, and connecting with community experts outside of school.We will update the community when the action teams have been decided and if there is an area of interest for you – we would love to connect!


For term 4, the students will be investigating their influence beyond the school, and will be working on projects making a change in the wider community. 


But what about the younger students voice? How is it being heard without JSC?


This is likely a thought crossing your mind. We know all of our student’s voices are important and powerful and that is why we are revamping the system!

 Instead of two students from a class attending meetings at lunchtime to be involved in a change, now all students will be involved in weekly class meetings.

These class meetings provide a platform for students to shape their learning experience. The meetings are student lead which means all students will be trained in facilitating the meetings. They provide feedback for the teacher to action immediately in the classroom, provide feedback for the teacher to take to their team planning meetings to identify trends across a cohort to inform weekly planning, and also will be shared with the Staff Wellbeing team to identify trends across the school. Some extra benefits of class meetings are providing all students a chance to contribute to their classroom community, a chance for students to learn how to express themselves in a forum and allows for transparency in classroom & learning decisions.


Part of the grade 5/6 Student Voice Action Team Leaders project, will include finding ways to engage and include perspectives of younger students who may share the same passion area. Younger students will be invited along to relevant project meetings, working bees, and celebrations.


Why the change?

- to make student voice more student passion-driven/action focussed (instead of random adult decided/organisational jobs being flung at them)- to make student voice more integrated across the whole school, less reliant on one adult facilitator- to streamline the student feedback - classroom teacher - team planning process- to ensure all Student Voice Leadership Roles are meaningful- to encourage more students to get involved when they are interested/passionate (particularly younger students without the lengthy unsustainable year-long commitment)- to widen the idea of Student Voice and Action to include actions not just concerning the school but the WORLD!

We are excited about the new opportunities this structure provides, for a wider group of students to build their leadership skills. Keep an eye out for updates in the newsletter as they start making some real changes!


If you have any questions about the plan for Student Voice in 2022, Please contact one of the Team members!


Ernesto Bobadilla (Grade 1/2 teacher)

Edith Kenny-Smith (Foundation Teacher)

Tom Nelson (PE teacher)

Deb Robins (Grade 6 Teacher)

Jenny Wheatcroft (Foundation Teacher & Student Voice Leader)