Around the school

After School Math

After school math help is running again this year. The venue is room L04, the time is 3:20 pm to 4:20 pm and the day is generally Tuesday.

For those weeks where Tuesday is not possible the session will be held on Thursday. Our wonderful maths staff volunteer their services, once or twice per term, to assist any student who would like a little extra help with problems or completing classwork or homework sheets. It is the student’s responsibility to bring along the work they want to finish. A reminder about after school maths and the teacher on duty will be put on Compass weekly. There are also posters around the school to remind the students.

Important dates

Wednesday March 28

Parent interview evening

3.40 pm to 5.30 pm

Thursday March 30

Parent interview day - no formal classes running

10.00 am to 11.40 am

12.30 pm to 2.30 pm

Parents are encouraged to bring their students to their interview

School holidays

Good Friday 30 March to April 15

School recommences on Monday 16 April

Wednesday April 25

Anzac Day

Herald Sun Careers Expo

Thursday 3 May Year 11 students

$17.00 payment due April 20