

The St Joseph's Canteen is open every Thursday and Friday for recess and lunch orders. All orders must be placed on Qkr! by 9am on the morning of the order. No cash or orders will be taken at the office. Please check the date of your order before submitting.


The canteen is only able to operate with the assistance of parents volunteering. If you are available to help on Thursdays or Fridays (from 10am - 2pm) please contact Mrs Amy Lobban through the office or email


Over the next couple of weeks we will be trialling a limited menu. More items will be added over the rest of the term.


IMPORTANT: Please update your child's class details on Qkr! to ensure their recess/lunch goes to the correct classroom.  

  1. Go to PROFILE and select CHILD'S NAME
  2. Click on YEAR to access a dropdown menu
  3. Choose current year level e.g. Year 5