Assistant Principal 

VCAA written exams have started! They began with the English exam taking place on Tuesday morning, and the exam period continues through to early December. I would like to wish all of our students sitting these exams the best of luck. For many of our students, this ‘luck’ will not be required, as their dedication and commitment to hard work will put them in a great position to perform across their exams.


Through many conversations I have had with many students, all seem very happy to be back onsite for their classes and are enjoying the opportunity to once again spend time with their peers. In addition to the positive social aspects the return to school brings, the chance to work collaboratively with one another in the learning environment appears to be an area that students really missed while undertaking remote learning.  The opportunity for students to work together and the ease in which support can be accessed is proving to be a very appreciated feature of learning in the classroom setting for students.


Our Year 11 students will begin their final week of scheduled Unit 2 class next week, before undertaking their exams during week 8. Students should use their final few lessons productively and utilise teacher feedback to help best prepare for these upcoming exams. Upon conclusion of these exams, the following week will see transition occur for Year 11 students moving into Year 12. Our Year 10 students moving into Year 11 will have their transition week take place during week 10 of this term. These transition programs are vital to ensure student readiness for the upcoming school year and provide all students with the ability to start the year in a positive manner, willing and ready to take on the potential challenges faced in 2021.


Key staff members of our transition team have been very busy recently, visiting primary schools and teachers, meeting and communication with the students and families who will be joining our College community in 2021. An online information evening was recently held to welcome incoming families to the College and provide them with information to support their transition into Ringwood Secondary College. A follow up question and answer online event will be held for these families next week. We eagerly await further information regarding COVID-19 restrictions as we plan and prepare for the Year 7 Orientation Day in December.


Finally, a massive thank-you to students who have been vigilant in consistently wearing face masks at all necessary times and practicing good hygiene habits. Please continue to keep up your efforts, for the health and safety of not only yourself, but our wider school community.


Matt Tucker

Assistant Principal