Year 10 Triathlon

Year 10 Students participated in a Triathlon last week as part of their Physical Education curriculum.  The majority of students formed small teams with a student completing each leg of the course.


The morning was filled with a buzz of excitement as students kicked off at the Tom Flood Sports Centre, riding their bicycles around the track ten times.


The second team of students were then tagged to run a course from Tom Flood Sports Centre down to Rosalind Park and back up to The Faith Leech Aquatic Centre where the final leg of the triathlon was completed with 6 laps of the pool.


Our two winning individual competitors were Ildi Clemens 28.00 min and  Will Robertson 28.10 min.


There was a record broken in the team of three mixed group. Charlie Whitsed, Abbey Conquer and Ben Greenall with a time of 22.21 min, beating the previous record from 2014 of 22.47 min


Triathlon Winners Ildi Clemens (Time 28.00) and Will Robertson (Time 28.10)
Triathlon Winners Ildi Clemens (Time 28.00) and Will Robertson (Time 28.10)