Congratulations to...

Gracie Seipolt (2 Riley)

Congratulations to Gracie Seipolt who was commended for her hard work in creating a water-saving poster.  At the end of remote learning in term 3, students had the opportunity to enter the 2020 Coliban Water Poster Competition.  The themes for the poster were;

1. How I use water carefully now. (Eg How you save water at home)

2. How I imagine our future if we all keep using water carefully. (Eg A beautiful image of nature that features water)


Well done Gracie on a fantastic effort!



Astrid Johnston (10 Millward)

Congratulations to Astrid Johnston on being selected for the University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Class of 2022


Astrid was selected from over 1,500 applicants based on academic achievement (top 5% of students in her year level), leadership potential and community involvement.


As a Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar, Astrid will take part in a program of events and activities focused on expanding academic and personal horizons. This includes a University welcome event, VCE revision lectures, personal development workshops, overnight adventures on campus, celebration events with family, an open day lounge and more. 

Student Achievements

If you would like to have a student achievement recognised, please email Ms Kristi Mitchell via