Focus on Learning

Kindergarten - Mrs Wendy Rheinberger

Religion with K/1/2
Peer tutoring during Maths
Our Class Calendar
Ready for a movement break
Religion with K/1/2
Peer tutoring during Maths
Our Class Calendar
Ready for a movement break

Kindergarten 2020

Kindergarten students have made some impressive leaps and bounds throughout the course of this year.  It has been wonderful to witness progress across all areas of learning.


Students have the opportunity to lead prayer together at the start and end of each day, as well as before meals.  We have been learning to make the Sign of the Cross, say some commonly known prayers such as Hail Mary and Our Father, and make our own special prayers during Prayer Circle in Religion Lessons.  When we attend Mass each fortnight, the students are becoming noticeably more comfortable in answering Fr Vic's questions during the homily, and truly appreciating the opportunity to learn about their faith at an age-appropriate level.


Over the past couple of weeks, Kindergarten students have demonstrated growth in maturity and a confidence in their own abilities when it comes to working with their classmates.  Last week we joined with the Kinder Readiness children to show off our reading and computer skills.  A sure sign that students are making progress is when they can teach their newly-acquired learning to someone else.



During Personal Development and Health this year, Kindergarten students have participated in discussions about what makes a good friend? and who is in my network? These aspects of learning are very important foundations for students because they are able to learn from one another about who are trusted people in their lives;  and develop a positive attitude by looking out for the safety and well-being of each other.  In other words, the students make the rules with gentle guidance from their teacher, but they own these rules - regularly making reference to the questions mentioned earlier.

Roll, Read and Write
Independent writing
Roll, Read and Write
Independent writing

Kindergarten students have continued to make fabulous progress through the research-based InitiaLit Foundation Literacy Program.  Students begin each session with a review of sounds to consolidate any areas that may need extra attention;  next is the introduction of new tricky words (these are words that we cannot 'sound out' because of the way the word is put together...for example one, want or they) and previously learnt tricky words; there is always time for getting up and moving, with one of our favourite InitiaLit games being toss and catch - a word is spoken by the teacher and students repeat it, then the word is broken into parts: each letter is 'tossed' /s/ /i/ /ng/ - the students 'catch' the letters one at a time and say the complete word.  InitiaLit also has Storybook Lessons which, when used in conjunction with learning and practising sounds and words, enhances student understanding of how words and sentences are put together to make meaning.  Of course, always part of the fun is the singing!


Warm Write
Warm Write
Edward the Emu craft
Warm Write
Warm Write
Edward the Emu craft

Late last term, students began a similar version of Big Write known as Warm Write (the stage before Big Write).  Mrs Murray joins us and works with one group on oral language skills and sentence development, whilst Mrs Rheinberger works with the other group writing.  Each group has a specific focus of using Levels 1 and 2 of our VCOP wall in their writing. The students are encouraged to use the Word Wall and also develop suitable writing goals that they can work towards.  Students working with Mrs Rheinberger use a writing template that allows independent writing and drawing opportunities, with 1:1 teacher/student conferencing to talk about their drawing.  Students are beginning to take ownership of their learning through the various activities provided in the English block. The use of think-pair-share and dictation of simple sentences has increased student's confidence and lots of talk about a topic leads to interest and opportunities to expand their writing topic repertoire.

We are learning to establish the concept of 'half'
Maths warm ups with Mrs Long
Our Number Door
Learning about capacity
We are learning to establish the concept of 'half'
Maths warm ups with Mrs Long
Our Number Door
Learning about capacity

Mathematics is a fun, interactive and hands-on part of Kindergarten learning.  The main emphasis being the development of good number skills.  Our lessons always begin with a warm up activity that relates to number and problem-solving.  Occasionally, we are lucky enough to have guest appearances from some of our other amazing teachers - as the photos indicate.  Mrs Long was challenging James and Lyla to add 2 more or 2 less using regular playing cards!  In this activity students could rely on the written number and the symbols - which provided excellent opportunities to challenge students further.  We practise our counting everyday and regularly refer to our hundred chart for a game called  which number is hiding?   Students very quickly identify the hidden number and are then challenged to name 2, 5 or even 10 more or less!

Tasty Mathematics!
Tasty Mathematics!