Tournament of Minds

Melanie Sluyters

Last term I was privileged to work alongside two teams from the Primary School who worked hard and participated with tremendous energy, teamwork and creativity to explore the Tournament of Minds Challenge for 2020.  


With different conditions due to COVID-19, students were not able to perform their challenge in front of a live audience, however they still managed to pull their response together and film an amazing piece. These filmed challenges were then sent through to judges.   The students listed below need to be recognised and applauded for the hard work that they did over a six-week period in Term Three.  From the initial stages of interpreting the best way to tackle the problem chosen, to writing scripts and then rehearsing all the right moves to ensure that they kept within the five-minute time frame.  Teams gave up many lunchtimes, as well as coming in before school and not to mention an early Saturday morning to ensure filming was right.  A huge thank you must go to the parents who were up early many mornings getting their daughter to school, as well as Mr and Mrs Bowman–Shaw who gave up their home for filming and to Mr Gary Hoggard for his great IT expertise. Finally, congratulations to the Social Sciences team who were awarded Honours in their division.


Primary Teams 

Social Sciences

Lucia Devine

Lottie Groves

Chloe Marsden

Matilda Steele

Armali Azanese

Matilda Forrest 

Lola Helmers

The Arts 

Sofia Bowman–Shaw

Aspen Foster

Hannah Jager

Meagan Breach 

Ruby Coleman 

Ines Gadon 

Matilda Keeling