Scotsburn News 

Footy Colours Day

This Thursday, students are encouraged to come along to school dressed in their favourite sporting colours.

Public Holiday Friday

A reminder that this Friday is a Public Holiday. There will be no school for students on this day. 

2021 Organisation

Although we have just entered term 4 of 2020, we also have an eye on 2021. If you are planning on not sending your child back to the Scotsburn Campus in 2021, please contact Shaun ASAP. 

SC3 Webex Incursions

Over the past week SC3 students have had 2 half hour online sessions with Trish from Earth Ed. Trish taught us about light and different types of energy sources. We got thinking about ways in which we can do more to look after our planet. SC3 students are currently working on projects which focus on caring for our environment.  We are really enjoying these. 

Well Done Gr 6’s

A number of our Gr 6’s have been organising and presenting the morning announcements for the whole school this week. They are doing a fantastic job. 

Social Distancing of Adults

A big thanks to all of our wonderful families for helping to maintain safe standards before and after school. Visitors to the school grounds will continue to be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations.  As such, parents are still only to go beyond the school gate if absolutely necessary.  No parents should enter classrooms until further notice.  Please email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Thanks so much for your continued understanding and support. 

School Hats

A reminder that in Term 4, hats are compulsory for all students. 

Friday Rotations 

Our first rotation for Term 4 will be on the (30th Oct). Our groups will be doing the following:



(Mrs Anderson)


(Ms Geddes)


(Mr O’Loughlin)

30th Oct




6th Nov




13th Nov




Term 4 - Lunch Order Roster 

A reminder that lunch orders will only be available for Scotsburn students on a Wednesday in Term 4. A big thanks to the wonderful ladies in the office who have offered to bring them up for the kids. 

Important Dates

Monday 19th - 23rd October - Book Week Scotsburn

Thursday 22nd October - Footy Colours Day

Friday 23rd October - AFL GF / Thank you Day - Public Holiday - Student Free Day

Friday 30th October - Book Club Issue 7 - Orders Close

Tuesday 3rd November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - Student Free Day

Thursday 19th and Friday 20th November - School Photos - MSP Photography

Friday 27th November - Japanese Theme Day

Friday 4th December - Reports Available 

Tuesday 8th December (1pm-6pm)- Parent Teacher Interviews 

Thursday 10th December (4pm-6pm) - Parent Teacher Interviews

Friday 18th December - Term 4 Finishes - 1.30pm dismissal