Fantastic French

Bonjour tout le monde!

Madame Higgins' recovery from her operation is going very well and Madame T is enjoying working with all year levels.


Foundation students have been learning a song about a little snail who is happy when it rains.


Grade 1 and 2 students continued learning and revising French words for the family.

They have learned that the French language differentiates between feminine and masculine words.


Grade 3 and 4 students researched French foods and made many interesting discoveries. Did you know that the word baguette simply means "wand", "baton" or "stick", as in baguette magique (magic wand), baguettes chinoises (chopsticks), or baguette de direction (conductor's baton. The word baguette was first recorded as a kind of bread in 1920.



Students in grades 5 and 6 have been learning and revising French vocabulary in relation to telling the time. Can you guess what these sentences mean?

  • J'arrive à l'école à neuf heures moins le quart.
  • Le dîner, c'est à sept heures.



Au revoir

Madame Higgins et Madame T.