
Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Last step in the Roadmap

We were provided with updated information from the Department last night around changes based on the last step in the Roadmap to COVID normal. 


We are currently working through the changes and will provide information to the community. There are a number of logistical aspects we need to work through - stay tuned. 


Transition visits have been allowed and this week we have had visits from our 2021 Foundation students - enabling them to have a first visit to the school was very exciting. Next week our teachers will be visiting kindergartens. 


Stay home when unwell 

The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), is to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain at home and get tested, even with the mildest of symptoms. 

Students with underlying conditions (such as hay fever or asthma)

If a student has persistent symptoms due to an underlying condition such as hay fever or asthma, the student should still be tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) if they develop symptoms that are different to or worse than their usual symptoms. 

Parents/carers should also consider getting a medical certificate from the child’s treating GP to confirm that it is safe for them to attend school with persistent symptoms that may overlap with some of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) such as cough or runny nose.

Young children with persistent mild symptoms

Younger children (in grades Prep to 2) who have had a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test that was taken after they developed symptoms, the decision about return to school should be made in conjunction with the child’s treating GP. If the GP is satisfied the child has recovered from their acute illness, is otherwise well, and does not need a repeat coronavirus (COVID-19) test, the child can return even if they are not completely free of symptoms. Any worsening of symptoms will require review and repeat coronavirus (COVID-19) testing, if considered appropriate by the doctor.

Students with a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test whose symptoms have completely resolved do not need a medical certificate to return to the school.

Student Leadership

After the year that was 2020 we as a community have learned so much in many ways; in relation to the students of Boroondara Park we have found out just how resilient, capable and optimistic they can be even in the most challenging of times.


The year we have all experienced has been so very alien to us in so many ways.  As a school, as students and as educators we have adapted/changed/pivoted/reworked much of what we considered the norm within our community. This time has given us a great springboard to reflect upon much of what we offer our students, families and staff and to understand that this is a great opportunity to promote positive change within the new world into which we emerge.


All children are true individuals and are capable of so very much. In this school we recognise that every student has the ability to learn; but they also have the ability to inspire, to support, to believe and, as they grow and mature, the ability to lead. 


Leadership is often misunderstood as a concept. Is it the coach who shouts the loudest, or the player who is the 'best'?  Is it the most 'likes' and 'followers' on Instagram? Is it based upon popularity? Is it about strength?


Or should it really be about...

-Belief in one's self and others

-Positive action

-Collaboration and collective responsibility

-Following your interests and strengths


We enter the time of year when traditionally grade 5 students have nominated themselves for positions of leadership within the school and then, through a voting process, students have selected their leaders for the following year. 


In 2021 school leadership will look different at Boroondara Park Primary School. At the beginning of next year the new grade 6 students will ALL undergo leadership training and will ALL be taking on leadership opportunities for the year. Students will, through a thoroughly structured and delivered process, be creating and aligning themselves with Action Teams who will take on a leadership role within the school community. Our students will help to build, support and change those things that they believe are of importance for our community to flourish.


It is our belief that all students have much to offer our school community as leaders and we believe that this process will empower all 2021 Grade 6 students to offer great service to themselves, their peers and their community.


Further information will be forthcoming at the beginning of next year but we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you, what we are sure you will agree, will be an area of great excitement and growth for our school community and it's new leaders.

Child Safety and cars

As a community we are all responsible for supporting and ensuring the safety of our children. 

We are concerned at the moment with parking and car movement after school in Almond Street. 

Students can be picked up from 3.30pm, we do have someone on yard duty at the front of the school until 3.45pm - this is the pick up timeframe. 

A reminder all students and parents should use the School Crossing to get to the other side of Almond Street. 

When parking be sure to follow the signs, the space between the entry and exit of the car park is a drive in pick up area - if you get out of your car or indeed park and leave your car you are risking a fine. By parking here you are also impacting the traffic flow in the street. 


The parking signs set out how close you can park to the School Crossing - this is for the safety of all - so be sure to take note of the no parking signs - it is vital that we do keep the area leading into the School Crossing clear at all times. 

Our neighbours appreciate you not blocking their driveway, the school driveway should always be left free - there are families who pick up from the front door of the school, be sure not to block their exit. 


Let's work together to make this area safer for all. 

Christmas Tree Appeal

The  Christmas Tree already has bags under it waiting to go to those in need. Please continue to send non perishable food and unwrapped gifts - gift vouchers, toys, books and other items which will be donated to the local Boroondara Salvation Army. The last day for donations is  Friday December 4th. 

Uniform Shop

Does your child need uniform? Because of the COVID pandemic our onsite uniform shop has closed for Term 4 this year and Term 1 next year. If you need uniform then your options are:

  • order online - RHSport - orders can be delivered to school and then sent home with your child
  • visit the shop at 100 New St Ringwood

Is your child commencing in Foundation in 2021?

If you have a child due to start school in 2021 please contact the office with any questions. Download the enrolment form from our website and return as soon as possible. 

There is talk within many school communities about 2021 and student performance. We will have further information regarding this in coming newsletters. 

Is your child staying at BPPS in 2021?

If you know that your child will be leaving BPPS at the end of 2020 please fill in the Google form to assist us with planning. 

Leaving Boroondara Park at the end of 2020



Take care and enjoy all the freedoms that COVID normal bring you and your family. 

Susanne Lowe
