Junior School



Inquiry Learning Coordinator


Year 4 Health & Wellness Expo

The students in Year 4 showcased their inquiry learning this week with a Health and Wellness Expo for younger students. The Expo was a summative assessment task where the students were required to use Habit 8: Find Your Voice, and take action to promote health and wellbeing in children.


The unit was driven by the central idea, ‘The physiology of our brain and body affects how we learn and think’, and the buzz around the expo was incredible as our Year 4 students became fitness instructors, mental health advocates, organic gardeners and dietitians.


Key Learnings from Year 4


Natasha 4BT – When we are mindful we carefully observe our thoughts and feelings without judging them good or bad.

Charlie 4BT – Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their own potential.

John 4MA – You need to look after your body and play sport because it helps improve your hand-eye coordination.

Rafaella 4MA – Sleep helps our brain, body and health. Kids must get at least eight hours of sleep to have the energy and concentration they need for school.

Seb 4MA – Think of positive stuff and you will be happier.

Thomas 4MA – Do what you love and don’t listen to anyone else.

Mary 4EA – If you don’t have good mental health it can impact everything you do in your life.

Sonu 4EA – You should grow your own vegetables if possible. It is so much healthier to be organic, as the other ones have chemicals in them.

Flynn 4EA – Eating kale improves your emotions. It is very healthy for you. Try for two times per week.