Library News

Our final craft session for the year saw students making Christmas angels or good luck fairies. The students had to concertina fold pretty paper and join this together with string, a bead and tinsel. They all did a really good job as the pictures show. There were over 30 students creating on the day so, when she had made hers, Alexandra from Grade 5 also helped some of the younger children who were having difficulty with the folding, which was a great help.
Jenni and I have really enjoyed spending time and encouraging the students in our craft sessions which have been running most Tuesday lunchtimes in the library for the past 18 years.
At the end of this year both Mrs Wood, the teacher librarian, and I, the library technician, are retiring.
Mrs Wood has been at Carwatha for 38 years, and I, a mere 18 years. We have both found it very rewarding to find the right book for the right child and to hear them ask “have you got another one just
like that one?”
We hope that lunchtimes in the library continue to provide the opportunity for students to enjoy playing cards and board games, or just enjoy reading a book!
We wish the Carwatha College P-12 community all the best for the future,
Mrs Wood and Mrs Sal