Primary News

From the Assistant Principal
It has certainly been a very busy year in Primary. We've had many excursions, incursions and Community events culminating in the fantastic STOMP concert.
It has been wonderful to see the students from Prep - year six grow in confidence and in their academic achievements. I would certainly like to congratulate all the students on their achievements over the year. I wish them well for the holiday break and know they will be back, refreshed and eager to start the new year.
As we farewell our year six students we welcome a new group of prep students and families to the College.
Reports are now live and I encourage all parents and students to read them together to celebrate successes and reflect on the goals set for the year to come.
Book Packs
By now student book packs should have been ordered. We encourage everyone to order the packs as they contain books and materials specific for the year levels.
I'd like to remind everyone that if students are wearing the new uniform they need to be wearing school shoes as well. Please ensure students are in full and correct uniform. If you require assistance, please see me next year.
I'd like to acknowledge and thank teachers and parents for their efforts, working together to support the students.
Have a wonderful and restful break and I look forward to seeing you all next year.
Sheila Horn
It has been a very busy year in Prep L!
The concert was a week ago and we had been working hard on our moves making sure we could remember them all and practising our line changes.
We were getting more and more excited the closer the concert got, and the circus theme might have been our favourite part.
We had an amazing time being magicians, kangaroos and monkeys at the school concert. We danced the night away with big smiles not letting the heat bother us!!!
We have been practising our reading, writing and maths getting ready for grade 1 next year.
We have had some a fantastic time learning and playing throughout our first year of school.
We can’t wait to see what next year brings!
Prep/1 A
The past few weeks have been busy, but exciting! In the midst of all our Reading, Writing and Maths, we had our STOMP dance lessons. It was so much fun! Our students were very excited and participated with lots of enthusiasm. All the energy and effort put into learning the dance routine resulted in an amazing performance at our school concert.
Our students were the ‘strongman’ in our circus themed concert, dancing to the song ‘Zero to Hero’. They demonstrated persistence and determination and showed off their red, white and black costumes to a packed audience. Our students certainly have awesome skills and talents! A huge ‘Thank You’ to our dedicated and supportive parents who helped to organise our concert costumes.
The end of the school year is almost here, and our students have put in lots of effort into their learning this year. They have made remarkable progress and have achieved amazing results. I am so proud of their efforts! Thanks again parents and carers for the support you have given to us, throughout the year.
Mrs Abraham - Class Teacher
1/2L had a fabulous performance in our Under Carwatha’s Big Top concert.
The students were very excited and nervous. One of the students had their first concert.
The costumes had adjustments with lots of safety pins; bows for the girls and some sparkle in everyone’s hair completed the effect.
It was very hard to keep them quiet as they were waiting to go onto the stage! But on the whole, they remembered the steps well so the daily rehearsals payed off!
Everyone should be very proud of their efforts!
We look forward to our concert again next year.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher
In Writing, students have been busy completing their own Procedural texts. They were asked to write up a procedural text for mini pizzas. Students chose the ingredients and headed up to the MPC and became chefs for the hour. Of course, everyone then enjoyed eating pizza for lunch! They smelt and tasted delicious!
As part of our Design and Technology unit in Integrated Studies, students have continued to be very busy designing and producing their own T-shirts. Students have done an excellent job. They were very cautious as they used the needle and thread or the hot glue gun and had fun with the puff paint and fabric textas. Students will now move onto designing their own advertisement to promote their
T-Shirt. We have discussed what colours, text and persuasive language is required to successfully advertise a product.
3M and 4S had a fabulous performance in our ‘Under Carwatha’s Big Top’ concert. The students were very excited but also a bit nervous as they returned to school with their colourful and sparkly costumes!
On stage, all students did a fabulous job as they danced as contortionists and jugglers. They remembered the steps well, so the daily rehearsals definitely paid off! We hope you all were able to come along and enjoy the show!!
Thank you for your support and co-operation throughout the year. It has been a pleasure teaching your child. We wish you a wonderful, safe and relaxing summer holiday, and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Many Thanks,
Mrs McPhie and Miss Di Petta - Class Teachers
It has been a very exciting few weeks for both grade 4/5N and 5B! We have been dancing our socks off in preparation for the school concert which was a huge success on the 6th of December. All students that participated got into the spirit of things, 4/5N dressing up as fire breathers and 5B as clowns, complete with full face paint! Last week was a fun week with grade 5 students participating in a week-long orientation program in the secondary.
We learnt new skills in metal and woodwork with Mr Skeggs, made fruit salad in Food Tech and balloon towers in maths, wrote stories in English and learnt all about acids and bases in Science. Sport was also a highlight, with Ms Peters and Mr Antony throwing themselves into the fun as well. As school begins to wrap up for the year, we look forward to winding down with plenty more exciting activities in the coming weeks!
Ms Naylor & Ms Bishop - Class Teachers
What a year 2018 has been!
It feels like only yesterday that students entered 5/6Z, unsure of what the year held, but excited to get started.
Highlights of the year include:
- Gala Days: the sports were fun and it was awesome to compete against other schools
- Swimming Carnival: thankfully it was a hot day and we could enjoy the pool and different events
- Athletics Carnival: we had lots of fun competing in the different events
- Cricket Clinic: we learnt lots about cricket skills and games
- STOMP: we all had lots of fun performing in the concert and learning our dance
- Woodwork Incursion: it was SO much fun making the windmill in woodwork. We can’t wait to do woodwork in high school!
- Science Fair: it’s always fun looking at everyone’s projects and learning about different science concepts from everyone
- Twilight Sports: the games were fun and the sausage sizzle was yummy
- Fun Run: the obstacle course was funny and we got to eat icy-poles
- Book Character Dress Up: the teachers looked really cool in their costumes from The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Multicultural Assembly: the Chinese Dragon dance was loud, but exciting. It was funny
As 2018 draws to a close, the Grade 6s are reflecting on the end of their primary schooling and the Grade 5s are getting excited to be leaders in the school next year.
I wish all the Grade 6s GOOD LUCK in Year 7 next year and I thank them for a fantastic year in 5/6Z.
To the Grade 5s, they have some big shoes to fill but I’m confident they will make Grade 6 their own.
See you all next year!
Mrs Zelazo - Class Teacher
We have had such a busy year in grade 6E and the last couple of weeks have been even busier! We had such a great night at the concert. There were a number of 6E students who had acting roles for the concert and we were very proud of their performances. And then there was our dance! I was so impressed by the way the students worked together and performed.
Meanwhile, students have been busy in class completing different assessments to see their growth over the past year. Each and every student has been able to demonstrate improvements in different areas across the curriculum. They have all been very pleased with their improvements.
This week our focus moved to Orientation Day and the excitement of experiencing year 7. The students all reported that they had a wonderful time. They got to experience Wood work, Food Tech, English, Maths and PE. Orientation day was followed by the disco. It was great to see so many students participating in the dances and sharing their concert dance again.
We have also started to focus on Graduation. Students have been reflecting on, not only this year, but their entire time at Primary school. They have been remembering the great experiences they have had, the friends who have made time at school fun and the people who have influenced them along the way. They were both nervous and excited about the Graduation ceremony.
It has been a wonderful year in 6E with a fabulous group of students and it has been my pleasure to work with each and every student, some of whom I have been in a classroom with since they were in grade 2! I look forward to having them visit in the future, so I can hear about their successes and challenges. I wish the students from 6E great success in Secondary school.
Mrs Elias - Class Teacher
Grade 6 Graduation
Prep and Grade 1 students have enjoyed drawing and painting flowers. Looking at the shapes, lines and colours in images of flowers, and then recreating them with crayon and water colour paints.
Grade 3, 4 and 5 students learnt about Vincent Van Gogh and responded to his various artworks. They looked at the short brushstrokes, and movement and flow he creates in his work. 3M then used paint to recreate Starry Night, 4S used oil pastel to recreate Sunflowers, and 5/6Z used oil pastel to create Starry Night.
6E studied artworks from Pablo Picasso. They looked at his cubist style artwork consisting of interlocking shapes and geometric planes. The students then created a self portrait of their own.
Mrs McAleer - Primary Art Teacher
Prep- Grade 2 - Roller-coasters:
Students did a great job building and testing their roller-coasters. It was a challenge to make the roller-coaster travel upwards and many students opted to include a corner or bend in their track instead.
Students learnt a lot through trial and error, by observing where the marble rolled off or became stuck to work on improving their design.
Grades 3M & 4S - Miniature Mini-Golf
Students thoroughly enjoyed creating their mini-golf hole. This week we put all the holes together to make a Mini-Golf Course. Students had an opportunity to play each other’s golf courses. This prompted conversations about what they enjoyed and areas of improvement.
Grades 4/5N, 5B, 5/6Z & 6E
Arcade Games:
Students have finished their Arcade Games, with many groups still hoping to have a little more time. Students have found that bringing their designs and ideas into reality to be more of a challenge than they had expected. Most teams have done a great job and we celebrated this week by setting up our own Arcade. Students enjoyed playing each other’s games and thinking about how they have created different games.
Mrs Braybon - STEM Teacher