Secondary News

College Dux
Congratulations to Tara Nautu for achieving the title of college Dux for 2019.
Assistant Principal Report
As the year draws to a close – I would like to thank all students for the hard work and wish them well for the holiday break - ready to come back in 2019 ready to achieve their best. We have had another successful year in our V3 program and know that this has extended and challenged our senior students to achieve their best. All students who studied unit 3&4 subject will be now have received their results and I congratulate students on their successes.
I would like to take the opportunity to remind Year 12 students that their ATAR is very important – but there are multiple ways to achieve your destination and having a strong belief in yourself and working hard are very important qualities.
I remind parents that when school for the students begins on Wednesday 30th January 2019 – students need to come ready on day 1 in full college uniform. Lockers will be distributed within the first few days – but parents are required to pay this items to ensure that students get a locker.
In order to achieve the best for 2019 it is vital that students come with the required text books and other materials –so as not to fall behind in class. By now parents should have ordered books on line via Lamont and books will be delivered to their home or to the school on Tuesday the 29th between 2pm to 5pm. Any questions about this can be directed to Pauline in the general office.
Parents/guardians who require financial assistance can seek support through our student wellbeing coordinator - Caitlin Hallett
The new college uniform that is compulsory for students in Foundation (prep,), Grade 1, Year 7 and 8 and all new enrolments. By the start of 2020 the new uniform will be compulsory for all students.
Stocks of the old uniform are very low and we recommend that students in Year 10 for 2019 purchase the new uniform now so as to maximise value for money. They will then have three years to wear the new uniform.
Stocks of the old uniform are very low and these will not be replenished.
We have included for you details of the new uniform including the new price lists. Full details about the uniform is also available on our college website and samples are on display in the college foyer.
All families are welcome to purchase the new uniform now and do not have to wait till the compulsory 2020 date.
As part of the new uniform the college will have compulsory Blazers – these can only be purchased from the college office – not PSW. We have samples for students to try on so that the correct size can be ordered. The cost of the blazer is $120.
A reminder that the blazer is compulsory for all students by the end of 2020 and it is a requirement that the blazer be worn to and from school at all times.
The white shirt that is worn by both girls and boys must at all times be worn with the school tie.
As an important note please be aware that the old school uniform and new one cannot be mixed and matched. The only exceptions are the Year 12 Leaders who are allowed to wear the new blazer with the old uniform.
The Year 12 grad jackets are will be available early 2019. Only students who have paid a deposit and then next year the remainder of the money will receive their grad jacket. Any questions should be directed to Bree Hudson – Head of Senior School.
Reports went live on compass – Tuesday at 12pm.
It is important that time is taken to read those reports and I encourage families to reflect upon the outcomes ensure that they set some strong goals for next year.
Can I take the opportunity to thank staff for all their hard work this year and to thank parents for their partnership. I wish the students all the best for their holiday break and I would like to wish you all the very best for the festive season and look forward to working with you all in the new year.
Ms Spina - Assistant Principal
What a great and fast 2019.
I cant believe 12 months ago I was meeting all of these students at orientation day in their year 6 uniforms. It has been a great learning experience and fun year for us all. I have enjoyed getting to know all of these amazing students and their families.
As I said at the start of the year, it is an amazing opportunity for the Year 7 students to make a difference to the culture of Carwatha College P-12. They are the first students to have the new uniform, they will therefore the first students to wear the uniform for 6 years. Some of the students are members of the Football academy, another initiative that was new this year and is changing the learning opportunities and culture of Carwatha College P-12.
This year the students have been on a number of excursions that have allowed them to improve relationships, build friendships and increase their rapport with teachers. All of these positive experiences improves the learning for your student and makes school an enjoyable place. Some of these excursions have been the team building day at Enchanted garden, the bushwalk and BBQ at Lysterfield where the students walked 12km and worked as a team. They have also been on Science excursions to the aquarium, Sporty Maths, the Year 7 Ancient history day as well as guest performances from Shakespeare company and Digital technology groups.
We have celebrated success in classes and focussed on and recognised the college values. The students have been learning to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves to learn and do more. This is evident in their willingness to help in leadership events, the Carwatha Cares Charity and performed at the Multicultural Day, music night, and at Orientation Day.
I would like to congratulate all year 7 students on a great 2018 and I look forward to seeing them back her in 2019, refreshed and excited for Year 8. Oh, and in perfect uniform, including blazers, ties, white socks, clean shoes and backpacks.
Have a great break and Happy new year to all families.
Thank you and see you in 2019.
Mr Antony - Year 7 Coordinator
Can you believe we have nearly reached the end of 2018 and our Year 8 students are ready to move into the Middle years of their schooling.
What a great year it has been for the 2018 Year 8 students. It has been a busy year with lots of activities and excursions.
Here are just a few of the highlight of the 2018 Year 8 program:
- Participation in Carwatha College swimming, athletics carnival and district sports
- AWARE (Alcohol Wellbeing and Risk Education)
- Volunteering to help at the Primary Gala Cross Country, T- ball and Athletics Event
- High Resolves Global Citizenship Program
- Medieval Morning
- Orienteering, Zoo and Melbourne Museum Excursion
- Victorian State Schools Spectacular
- Carwatha Cares Charity Walk
Many other programs and events within the College and beyond were also well represented by the year 8s. Examples include Multicultural Day, SRC and form captain elections and school assemblies.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each student for an enjoyable year and also extend a special thanks to the year 8 teachers who are so very dedicated in their provision of exceptional learning experiences for each young person. It has been a pleasure to coordinate such a wonderful group of students this year.
Mrs Rentzis - Year 8 Coordinator
As the year draws its final breath, the year 9s are experiencing a mixture of feelings: excitement for the holidays, nostalgia over childhood and the years gone by, as an anxious and uncertain, yet promising, future awaits. Their senior schooling years have arrived.
The learning that has occurred this year through the many struggles, successes and failures has been enormous. To recap on and understand how busy an academic school year can be, one must remember the variety of other experiences that have enriched each life. From friendships, to beginning employment, to choosing VCE subjects, to becoming more independent, the choices and responsibilities of each student has increased as the year progressed.
Just a handful of the many experiences at school have included sports days, including the volleyball state finals, athletics and swimming carnivals, the discovery day at Chisholm TAFE, course counselling and choosing V3 pathways, the Victorian State School Spectacular, the community leadership program, city experiences, orientation week (including moving out of J-Block and into the V3 centre:), studying Romeo and Juliet, and Shrek. Who could forget Shrek!
Thank you for a fantastic year. I have watched you grow and learn for years and am so proud of the beautiful young women and men you are becoming. Good luck with next year. Dream big, have a goal, work hard and give it a shot and life always tends to work out, even if in unexpected ways.
Mr Kwong - Year 9 Coordinator
A few reminders from the Senior School Team as you enjoy your summer break.
- Each student has holiday homework for each subject. This work must be completed and submitted by the FIRST LESSON BACK in Term 1. If you fail to complete this work, you will receive an automatic after school detention.
- If you require help with any work, please contact your teacher. If you are not sure about how to do this, email and I will forward your email to the relevant teacher.
- To maximise your chance of success, read your English novels. For Unit 3 and 4 particularly, you will be expected to read ‘The Golden Age’ and the short stories before Term 1 begins. You will be required to read your novels at least twice (to prepare for the exam) so best get one read out of the way over the break!
- Lockers will be allocated on a ‘first-come, first served’ basis. This means that students that have paid their ‘Essential Items’ fee will be allocated a locker first. Students will not be given a locker until this fee is paid. To be allocated a locker, you MUST have a lock.
- You are expected to have your textbooks and materials for each class.
- You are expected to attend each class with a charged device.
- You are expected to attend in FULL UNIFORM. This includes blazers for those in the new uniform – this is a COMPULSORY part of the new uniform.
- A reminder that ALL STUDENTS will be in the new uniform by the start of 2020. It may be a good idea for senior students to purchase the new uniform now to get maximum use.
- When you log onto Edrolo, you will see a ‘PAY’ button. This will take you to a screen that lists your subjects and total payment.
- You need to organise Edrolo payment early Term 1 or access to this resource will be restricted.
Enjoy the break! We will see you, bright eyed, motivated and excited, next year.
Senior School Team 2018 - Mr Willis, Mrs Bawa & Mrs Hudson.
The Science room is often a buzz with activity as we try to include as many practical investigations as possible. These are help us understand complex concepts by visualising them under lab conditions. This term the Year 9s have focused on thermal and electrical energy.
They have investigated how the density of water can change depending on temperature and solute concentration, with surprising results! They have then been able to apply these concepts to Climate Change and the survival of marine animals.
The same groups have also investigated Convection and how heat is transferred within gases and liquids. Here you can see the students seeing glitter particles moving within artificially created convection currents, which would naturally drive weather patterns and tectonic plate movement.
Students have also investigated electricity and compared series and parallel circuits. They used their hands-on skills to create circuits to turn on lights, and even did some testing using online Phet simulations. They then designed some circuits to be used in the home to make sure all of the electrical appliances run smoothly!
2018 has been another great year for Metal & Timber at Carwatha. Our students have produced some excellent work, much of which was on display at this year’s Art/Technology Show.
Success in this subject area is determined by the qualities of perseverance, attention to detail & resilience.
Standout pieces amongst the senior students included Martin Saunders bedside table / cabinet which he modelled on an item found in a well-known computer game. Also worthy of mention was Emily Davitt’s octagonal occasional table which involved some quite complex processes.
Planning for 2019 work commenced during Transition Week classes and we look to have some more high quality work on the way.
Mr Skeggs - Materials and Technology Teacher
As anyone who visited this year’s Art/Technology Show will be aware our College has nurtured the talents of some exceptionally gifted young artists.
Within the requirements of the VCE courses the Art staff are committed to encouraging each student to develop their own unique vision. The range of media and subject matter to be seen in the artwork produced this year is a testament to the success of this approach.
We look forward to seeing more excellent work produced in 2019.
Mr Skeggs - Materials and Technology Teacher