Principal's Report

This will be our final newsletter for the year, however there is still plenty happening around the school.
The Secondary Awards Night held on 12th December was a great success. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the success of many of our students in the areas of academic achievement, citizenship, sport and leadership. I would like to thank Natasha Tzilantonis for the work she did in organising the event.
The School Captains for 2019 were announced at Awards Night. Congratulations to these students who were selected from an outstanding field of candidates to take on this very important role in 2018. I have no doubt that they will be outstanding role models for other students.
The 2018 School Captains will be:
Ben Bright
Eftayla Coskun
Jacky Fulcher
Dulara Weerasinghe
Grade six students celebrated 7 years of Primary Schooling at a graduation ceremony on Tuesday 18th December. It was wonderful to hear them speak about their primary schooling and about their hopes for the future.
The Primary Captains for 2019 were announced at the final Primary Assembly on Wednesday 19th.
They are:
Kiera Chew
Nenal De Silva
Declan Vishniakov
Layla Widan
We will be farewelling a number of staff at the end of this year. Leigh Murphy, Natasha Tzilantonis, Chris Willis, Terry Gibney, Stephanie Tilley, Stephanie Lamborn, Jess Di Petta and Mel Edgar will be leaving us to take up positions in other schools or to pursue other options. I would like to thank them all sincerely for their contribution to Carwatha College P_12 and wish them all the best for next year and for the future.
Three long serving staff members will be retiring at the end of this year.
Maree Wood is retiring after 38 years at Carwatha College. She has held numerous leadership positions during her time at the school including Humanities Leader, Year Level Coordinator, and head of sport, she has been in charge of the Deb ball and in charge of our Library and she has coached numerous sporting teams. She has always worked closely with students ensuring that their time at Carwatha College has been memorable it is often the areas that Maree has led that students remember when they leave.
Deb Sal has worked in the library for over 20 years. What a team she and Maree have been. Deb has had a passion for reading that she tries to instill in everyone she works with, and she does her best to ensure that every student leaves the school with that passion. Deb has also led our lunch time crafts programs and the students will sorely miss her.
Julie Minster has worked tirelessly in our inclusion department for over 20 years. She works with the students most at risk supporting them in their learning however she knows what each and every one of them is doing even when they leave the school. The relationships that she builds with every student she works with is truly amazing and she will be greatly missed.
I would like to thank Maree, Deb and Julie for their contribution to Carwatha College P-12 and wish them all a happy, healthy, enjoyable and well-deserved retirement.
Reports were posted on Compass. I encourage all families to take the time to read them, if you are having a problem accessing them please contact the college.
Finally, I would like to wish all of our families a very happy Christmas and New Year and a relaxing and enjoyable break. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.
Pat Mulcahy