Classroom News

Science in Room 23
In Science, we are learning about biological sciences.
The students have been investigating the different characteristics of living things and found that there are 7 main characteristics.
Throughout their investigations they have recognised that there are a range of different living things.
All things living in Room 5!
Room 5 have recently planted mustard seeds as a part of their Science unit on Living Things. Prior to the planting we learnt about the requirements of keeping plants alive and what we need to do to take good care of them. This topic was introduced by our excursion to the Adelaide Zoo earlier this term where we participated in hands on learning about life cycles and living things, as well as our baby chicks that we had hatch and grow in the Reception unit for 2 weeks. As our seeds continue to develop and sprout at different paces, we are measuring and monitoring their growth and development.
Room 16
In Room 16, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have been looking for 3D shapes in our environment and exploring the different ways we can make them using paper nets, straws and pipe cleaners. This week we worked with our buddy class to make 3D shapes and the results were fantastic! Through our collaboration, we learnt how to make animals and houses by joining two 3D shapes together. Charlie’s giraffe was the class favourite!
Bahasa Indonesia
The Year 6/7 students visited Canberra and Sydney in Week 3 of this term. They have written recounts about their trip describing aspects including the places they visited, the weather, how they traveled to different places and descriptions of the transport used. All of their recount was written in Indonesian and demonstrates many of the sentence structures and language we have been focusing on.
They worked hard and showed persistence to create their finished pieces of writing. Some that were published have been included in this newsletter.
Bagus sekali!!
Bu Chish
Canberra tour 2017
Minggu lala saya pergi ke Canberra.
Canberra itu ibu kota Australia.
Saya berkunjung ke Australian institute of sport, war memorial dan national archives.
Cuaca di Canberra cerah,dingin dan angina.
Saya naik pesawat terbang ke Canberra.
Pesawat terbang itu bising dan putih.
Saya naik feri ke manly.
Feri itu besar, abu-abu, biru dan putih.
Saya naik mobil ke bandara.
Minggu lalu saya pergi ke Canberra.
Canberra itu ibu kota Australia.
Saya berkunjung ke A.I.S, Questacon dan C.S.I.R.O.
Cuaca di Canberra cerah.
Saya naik pesawat terbang ke Canberra.
Pesawat terbang itu besar dan putih.
Saya naik feri ke Manly.
Feri itu besar dan putih.
Saya naik bis ke A.I.S.
Bis itu besar dan hijau muda.
Elijah Room 26
Mingu lalu saya pergi ke Canberra.
Canberra itu ibu kota Australia.
Saya berkunjung ke CSRIO, Sydney, dan AIS.
Cuaca di Canberra dingin dan cerah.
Saya naik pesawat terbung ke Canberra.
Pesawat terbung itu besar dan bising.
Saya naik bis ke Sydney.
Bis itu cerah dan gelap.
Emily Room 10
HASS – Room 20
In HASS this term we have been learning about Natural, Managed and Constructed features. We went on a hunt within our school grounds to see if we could identify these different types of features.
A tree is a natural feature because it grows by itself. – Silas
A garden is a managed feature because we water it. – Violet
The oval is a managed feature because someone looks after it. – Hardy
The playground is a constructed feature because it is made. - Hayden
Term 3 has seen all year levels exploring more about the themes of ‘We all have the right to be safe’ and ‘We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust’.
Receptions classes have been looking at personal space and the importance of our own space to feel comfortable. Through narrative stories we have also explored the concept of physical and emotional harm and what we can do in those types of unsafe situations. Using ‘Stop, Think, Do’ to assess a situation, think about the possible actions and then choosing the best option.
Year 1 and 2 classes have worked on recognising and dealing with repeated and hurtful actions (bullying). We have used the online resource, Hector’s world to also look at online bullying and positive resolutions when dealing with such situations. Students have shown understanding of fair and unfair scenarios and are now exploring the concept of power in relationships with others.
Year 3 and 4 classes have been exploring rights and responsibilities. They created posters linked to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to share with other students. They demonstrate that we all have rights and with them come responsibilities.
They have also been working to develop their own trust networks. They have identified people who they know they can trust if and when they need to talk about important issues or if they have been in an unsafe situation and need help. These are personal networks that also contain some community services which are available for young people online.
It has been a busy term so far and all classes have shown fantastic commitment to contributing and building their knowledge of personal safety through the program.