Achievement Awards

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.
Room 3 - Briana - For showing great persistence towards all areas of her learning
Room 3 - Jack - For being a respectful class member and helping others
Room 4 - Amelia - For becoming more persistent with her learning
Room 4 - Jude - For continuing to develop his persistence in his reading and writing
Room 5 - Molly - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of the curriculum
Room 5 - Hamish - For demonstrating persistence and excelling in his reading and sight words
Room 5A - Jackson - For demonstrating persistence in his reading
Room 5A - Kobe - For demonstrating persistence in his reading and writing
Room 10 - Isabella - For showing respect to all her peers at all times
Room 10 - Ayrlie - For showing persistence and creativity in her narrative writing
Room 11 - Kyla - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of the curriculum
Room 11 - Holly - For showing persistence and determination in her work
Room 13 - Jace - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of his learning
Room 13 - Rosie - For demonstrating great persistence with her reading
Room 14 - Logan - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of her learning
Room 14 - Ebony - For being a respectful class member at all times
Room 16 - Max - For showing respect to others at all times
Room 16 - Cillian - For becoming a more persistent and organised learner in the classroom
Room 17 - Jake - For persisting with his spelling STAR contract
Room 17 - Alycia - For showing respect to all peers and teachers, in the classroom and in the yard
Room 19 - Ari - For always being responsible and take pride in his work
Room 19 - Larqwana - For being a kind and respectful class member
Room 20 - Avery - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of the curriculum especially in reading
Room 20 - Lylah - For showing persistence and demonstrating a positive attitude towards her learning
Room 22 - Layla - For demonstrating persistence and determination in her work
Room 22 - Otto - For demonstrating persistence and determination in his multiplication facts
Room 23 - Nash - For demonstrating persistence in his learning and completing work in the given time
Room 23 - Bella - For demonstrating persistence in her writing tasks
Room 26 - Matilda - For taking on leadership roles within the classroom and displaying a growing maturity
Room 26 - Declan - For showing persistence and determination in his work
Room 27 - Samantha - For constantly making responsible choices and challenging herself to grow
Room 27 - Ashleigh - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of her learning
Room 29 - Madeline - For demonstrating persistence in writing by improving her skills
Room 29 - Lachlan - For demonstrating persistence in art by improving his drawing skills
Room 30 - Maddie - For showing respect to all peers and teachers, in the classroom and in the yard
Room 30 - Tristan - For displaying a more persistent attitude towards his Word Study and Maths
Room 31 - Maya - For showing persistence in writing and reading
Room 31 - James - For being responsible with completing his school work
Room 32 - Emma - For showing respect to all peers and teachers, in the classroom and in the yard
Room 32 - William - For showing respect to all peers and teachers, in the classroom and in the yard
Room 33 - Evelyn - For showing persistence and determination in her work
Room 33 - Riley - For being responsible with completing his school work
Indonesian - Room 11 - For showing persistence when writing recounts about their Canberra trip
HASS - Room 5a - For fantastic ideas about how we can care for out special places in school
Health - Room 17 - For demonstrating persistence in class discussions
OSHC AWARD - Stephen - Room 31
Principal’s Attendance Award
Cillian - Room 16
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