Foundation News

Student Voice

We've been asking students this week for their feedback regarding their learning....

Q: What's something that's challenging you in your learning?

Elijah - Spelling my blue words. 

Taylor - Reading my golden words.

Will - Writing my golden words.

James - Writing a sentence.

Tyler - Spelling my golden words. 

Callum - Logging onto Reading Eggs.

Dakota - Logging on to Reading Eggs.

Noah - Reading my golden words.

Q: What's the best thing you are learning at school?

Ellery - Spell my golden words.

Connor - Reading!

Claudia - Whole body listening.

Jagger - Writing.

Elyse - How to keep my hands to myself.

Eva - Practising Mental Maths.

Logan - Learning the phonemes.

Layla - Learning my numbers.

Q: Do you really do your homework and practise your reading at home?

Seth - "yes.. in the morning."

Brodie - "yes, I practise with my mum".

Aylah - "sometimes I practise my words."

Jordy - "all the time!"

Luke - "I don't sometimes"

Kai - "yeah.... sometimes. Sometimes my family forgets!"

Aananya - "yes, sometimes. I read with my dad." 

Aren't they awesome answers! Always important to get this feedback to know what our learners are thinking and how we can support them.

Instructional Model

This week we we have begun introducing our School's Instructional Model to our students. These are evident in every classroom throughout our school. Staff teach students with a gradual release of responsibility and teach to include student goals, learning intentions, success criteria, checks for understandings, feedback and evidence. 

Our Foundation students are learning about the first part of the model - FOCUSED INSTRUCTION. This is where the teacher explicitly teaches the concept or skill to the class where students listen and engage with content.  We then move to the GUIDED INSTRUCTION where we guide students through the learning by questioning, clarifying  and checking for understandings. The remainder of the model includes collaboration and independent learning. 

Check us out!

Zoo Excursion

We had a wonderful day at the zoo last week.  Students had the opportunity to be Wild Explorers are look through an interactive garden.  Here they saw life cycles, living and non-living things and touch and feel different animal skins. 

We then had our learning experience where we met a female shingleback lizard. Students learnt how to care for the lizard and about its food and environment. We had a lovely lunch in the shade and then were able to break up into groups to explore different enclosures.  All in all a lovely day with lots of learning absorbed into little brains.

Thanks so much to our parent helpers Adam, Yeddo, Grace, Julie and Aura - we couldn't have done this without your support!

Harmony Day

Such an engaging session with our entertainer, Shaun! Very informative about how dance and music speak a language.

Check out our Foundation students... always ready to dive into new experiences!

We've been learning...

In Maths we've just finished our measurement topic.  Students should be able to identify what objects are shorter, longer, heavier, lighter, holds more and holds less.  We've completed our online post test.. students have received feedback regarding their growth.

Reading - we are fine tuning our goals and focusing on our golden words, blue words and red words.

Writing - we are developing our fine motor control and how we write the letters in our name.  We are also thinking about how phonemes (sounds) map onto letters.  


Stay tuned for some more SeeSaw (online portfolio) updates next week.

Important Dates

Thursday 28th March - Pupil Free Day

Friday 29th March - Jump Disco 6pm - 7.15pm

Monday 1st April - School Photos

Friday 5th April - Last day of Term 2.30pm dismissal