Senior School  

Ormond College

During February, the Year 12 students spent 2 days at Ormond College. Ormond College opened in 1881 and occupies 10 acres of land on the northern end of the University of Melbourne. It was built from the generous donations made by Francis Ormond, a farmer and landowner. The purpose of the residential was for students to bond with each other, to explore further, the importance of our last year of school and to take on board advice and tips on how to be successful students.


We participated in many activities, which encouraged team building such as the ‘Human Knot’ and ‘Tower of Shoes’. We had sessions with guest speakers and were given a lot of information about VCE/VCAL, projects, ATARs, career aspirations and study strategies.  We were lucky to have past students: Amy Lucas, Frazer Spence and Christy Pritchard come along to talk to us about their experiences and give us advice on how to get through the year successfully.

It was an enjoyable couple of days and I learnt some things that I can put into practice that will help me to achieve my best.

Tamara Williams


The Salvation Army

On Tuesday 6 February the, VCAL students made their way to the Salvation Army in the city. We were greeted by 2 guest speakers: Lauren and Ben. They spoke about homelessness in Melbourne and the work the Salvation Army do to help.


We participated in some games to get us thinking about the homeless problem. One game was called ‘But Why?’. The purpose of this game was to give us an understanding about the fact that there is always a reason why someone behaves the way they do.


We went on a tour around some alleyways where the Salvation Army regularly find many homeless people. The feeling and smell was both horrendous and devastating for me to experience. We learnt about what homeless people have to do to survive such as sit on the streets, begging for money or self-harming because of their helpless situation. During the excursion we saw many homeless men and women which made me feel sad and wonder about the struggles they face every day. Lauren and Ben explained that the main reason for homelessness is domestic violence.


Overall, I enjoyed learning and finding out ways that we can help the homeless.

Skye Inwood


Information Night 

Last Wednesday was our Senior School information night and it was lovely to see and meet the parents of students in Years 10-12.  Parents who were able to attend and listen to Kate Wilde have received, via email, her presentation. 


As raised during the night, this is a partnership between the College, you as parents and the student – we are all working to see the best outcomes for the students and together we can achieve so much more. 


Please contact the relevant coordinator if you have concerns about how your child is coping:

Year 10 – Mr Santos

Year 11 – Mrs Wood

Year 12 – Ms Manioudakis

The next few weeks will see a steady increase in work expectations and assessment, especially for VCE students.  Please monitor the attitude and behaviour of your young person and contact us if you have any concerns about how they are coping.  Both Year 11 and Year 12 students have been provided a calendar of SAC dates.  We encourage both students and parents to put these dates in a public place so that you are able to assist your child in preparation for assessment tasks.


We have Elevate Education coming in on March 1 to speak.  They will conduct a session on mnemonics and memory for the Year 11 students.  We request that all parents ensure that the Speaker Charges have been paid so that all students are able to access this opportunity. 


It has been lovely to work with the student leaders, examining how they’d like to contribute and improve Scoresby Secondary College.  The students have begun preliminary work on lunchtime activities and preparation for the first free dress day and activities for Harmony Day.  I look forward to working with the students further.


Ellen Sawyer

Head of Senior School